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5 records match your search on "Privatization" - Showing 1 to 5

Evolving Roles of Public and Private Agencies in Privatized Child Welfare Systems  (Report)

Author(s):  Elizabeth Lee and Cynthia Samples

Organization(s):  Planning and Learning Technologies

In 2006, ASPE funded the Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Project to provide information to state and local child welfare administrators who are considering or implementing privatization reforms. The project will produce six papers on a range of topics providing insights about factors that should be considered when approaching or improving upon privatization efforts. This third paper focuses on transitioning case management functions from public to private agencies as well as on how roles and responsibilities are shared and divided once privatization occurs. The paper is divided into four sections. The first section describes the history and complexity of defining privatization in child welfare services. The second section describes how some states have prepared their workforce for these new roles and responsibilities. The third section provides specific examples of how jurisdictions in seven states are dividing key case management activities for their out-of-home care population including initial case assessments, roles in dependency hearings, and ongoing case decision making. The final section describes the experience of a group of states that use private agencies to deliver foster care case management and have operational State Automated Child Welfare Information Systems. It presents some of the challenges faced by public and private agencies with their new information systems and offers examples of how states have facilitated the transition.

Published:  March, 2008

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Program and Fiscal Design Elements of Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives  (Report)

Author(s):  Charlotte McCullough and Elizabeth Lee

Organization(s):  Planning and Learning Technologies

In 2006, ASPE funded the Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Project to provide information to state and local child welfare administrators who are considering or implementing privatization reforms. The project will produce six papers on a range of topics providing insights about factors that should be considering when approaching or improving upon privatization efforts. This second paper describes choices faced by agencies as they design child welfare privatization initiatives. It is primarily descriptive and is intended to illustrate how various existing initiatives have defined their target populations and program scope, as well as how they have structured payments and distributed financial risk.

Published:  December, 2007

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Assessing Site Readiness: Considerations about Transitioning to a Privatized Child Welfare System  (Report)

Author(s):  Elizabeth Lee and Karl Ensign

Organization(s):  Planning and Learning Technologies

In 2006, ASPE funded the Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Project to provide information to state and local child welfare administrators who are considering or implementing privatization reforms. The project will produce six papers on a range of topics providing insights about factors that should be considering when approaching or improving upon privatization efforts. The purpose of this first paper is to help child welfare administrators think through key issues about transitioning to a privatized system of service delivery. The paper is organized around 12 overarching questions that administrators need to ask themselves when assessing the readiness of their site.

Published:  September, 2007

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Privatization in Practice:  (Report)
Case Studies of Contracting for TANF Case Management, Final Report

Author(s):  Sheena McConnell, Andrew Burwick, Irma Perez-Johnson, and Pamela Winston

Organization(s):  Mathematica Policy Research

The privatization of welfare services has increased significantly and expanded into new services since passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) gave states additional flexibility to design and operate their Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs. Despite its increasing popularity, privatizing welfare services poses significant challenges to the state and local government agencies that are responsible for contracting out. This project describes the key decisions and activities undertaken in privatizing TANF case management and documents the lessons learned in six study sites from their experiences in privatizing TANF case management. Key topics include (1) the why, what, and to whom of privatizing TANF case management; (2) ensuring a fair, effective, and competitive procurement process; (3) designing contract performance measures and payment structures; (4) monitoring TANF contractors to ensure accountability; (5) addressing the challenges of service provision under privatization; and (6) some key lessons learned by public welfare agencies as they took on new responsibilities in privatizing TANF case management. Study sites contracted with a variety of organizations, including both for-profits and non-profits (including faith-based organizations), and used a variety of contract types, including pure pay-for-performance, cost-reimbursement, fixed price, and hybrid contracts.

Published:  March, 2003

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Executive Summary 


Privatization of Welfare Services:  (Report)
A Review of the Literature

Author(s):  Pamela Winston, Andrew Burwick, Sheena McConnell, Richard Roper

Organization(s):  Mathematica Policy Research

The use of private organizations to perform social service functions has increased dramatically in recent years. This report reviews the literature on the privatization of welfare and related services by states and localities. It is the first product of a study of privatization of welfare services. The final report Privatization in PracticeCase Studies of Contracting for TANF Case Management, was published in March 2003.

Published:  May, 2002

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


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Last Revised:  October 15, 2007

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