Guidebook to the
Responsible Fatherhood Project
Participant Management Information System


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) contracted with The Lewin Group to develop a management information system to help eight DHHS-sponsored Responsible Fatherhood Projects with tracking and reporting on program participants. The system — referred to as the Responsible Fatherhood Management Information System (RFMIS) — was developed also to be more widely applicable to other responsible fatherhood (or parenting programs serving non-custodial parents) that have emerged in recent years across the nation. From this Internet site — originally established in 1999 and revised in June 2003 — interested organizations and individuals can download an automated data system for tracking individuals involved in local responsible fatherhood projects and full documentation on how to install and use this system. [Note: Organizations or individuals who previously downloaded and were using the original RFMIS prior to January 2003 (when the revised RFMIS became available) may contact John Trutko or Burt Barnow (see below for contact information) for information on how to update the original RFMIS to this revised version without losing records already entered into the system. This new version of the RFMIS adds a follow-up survey that was not available in the earlier system.]

This technical assistance project was originally designed to assist each Responsible Fatherhood Project site with the development of data forms and a working automated data system to track participant characteristics, services received, outcomes, and costs. The RFMIS, originally designed to operate using Microsoft Access 97, has been updated to operate using Microsoft Access 2000. A follow-up survey has also been added to the system, which enables users to collect follow-up data on participants at a future time (i.e., six months or a year after the individual enters the program) to facilitate analysis of project outcomes. The revised RFMIS is designed so that users can — if desired — use the programming capabilities within Access 2000 to tailor system components to local program operations and adapt the system over time to meet future program needs (i.e., it is possible for sites to add new fields, change form views, and create new report formats).

The data system that is the focus of this manual was developed based on an assessment of needs and capacities of local program sites involved in the DHHS-sponsored demonstration effort. Among the data collection activities involved in developing the system and this guidebook were the following:

We would particularly like to acknowledge the role of Policy Studies, Inc. and the Center for Policy Research, which were instrumental in the development of the forms and follow-up survey for the system. In addition, Linda Mellgren and David Arnaudo (of DHHS) provided many helpful suggestions and guidance on the development of the RFMIS.

The purpose of this guidebook is to provide written documentation on how to complete the data forms and operate the RFMIS. Sections 1-3 of this guidebook are primarily intended for program staff (e.g., intake and case managers) responsible for interviewing participants and completing forms. These sections include the following:

The next sections of the guidebook are aimed primarily at project staff responsible for managing and operating the RFMIS. It includes instructions on how to install the system, enter new data records, find and edit existing data records, and generate reports. These sections include the following:

Technical Assistance

If you should have questions concerning the data forms, system installation, system design or system operations, please contact: