Small Business Programs Office SBPO
Introduction Information Education Opportunities

ORNL SBPO Responsibilities

Provide prospective subcontractors with information resources regarding ORNL.

Provide Procurement and program managers with information on the various small businesses.

Monitor small business procurement performance.

Provide input to and approve the subcontracting plans.

Develop programs for educational institutions/HBCU/MEIs that can lead to increased contracting and science and technology partnerships.

Coordinate and conduct the ORNL Small Business and HBCU/MEI Outreach Programs.

Participate in Procurement evaluations.

Communicate with Small Business Managers Network.




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Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a national multi-program research and development facility
managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy

  Last Modified: Friday, August 25, 2006 2:09 PM