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Los Alamos Science


Los Alamos Science No. 13, Spring 1986


LANL has long been a home to astrophysics research because the physical phenomena key to the performance of nuclear weapons-thermonuclear fusion, implosion and explosion, shock waves, hot plasmas, and materials under extreme temperatures and pressures- are also key to the dynamics of astronomical objects. This issue on astrophysics centers on the accretion of matter onto very dense stars and black holes and the interpretation of x-ray signals emitted during that process. Also discussed is an unsolved puzzle: how does matter held up by its circular motion around a central dense star or black hole lose that angular momentum and ultimately submit to the pull of gravity?

Table of Contents PDF Size
Cover and Table of Contents

546 kB
X-Ray Variability in Astrophysics
Richard I. Epstein, Frederick K. Lamb, and William C. Priedhorsky
7235 kB
Cygnus X-3 and the Case for Simultaneous Multifrequency Observations
France Anne-Dominic Cordova
4251 kB
Angular Momentum � The Cosmic Pollutant
Stirling A. Colgate and Albert G. Peischek
2152 kB

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