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General Buying Tips - Before You Buy Title Graphic

To avoid problems and make better decisions, use this checklist BEFORE you make a purchase.

  • Decide in advance exactly what you want and what you can afford.
  • Don’t buy on impulse or under pressure. This includes donating to charity. Do your research.
  • Ask family, friends and others you trust for advice based on their experience. Gather information about both the seller and the item or service you are purchasing.
  • Review product test results and other information from consumer experts.
  • Get advice and price quotes from several sellers.
  • Make sure that the seller has all appropriate licenses. Doctors, lawyers, home improvement contractors and many other service providers must register with a state or local licensing agency.
  • Check out a company’s complaint record with your local consumer affairs office and Better Business Bureau.
  • Get a written copy of guarantees and warranties. Compare their features.
  • Get the seller’s refund, return and cancellation policies.
  • Ask who to contact if you have a question or problem.
  • Read and understand any contract or legal document you are asked to sign. Make sure there are no blank spaces. Insist that any extras you are promised be put in writing.
  • Consider paying by credit card. If you have a problem, you can dispute a charge made on your credit card.
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