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Space Protection of the Earth - 2000 September 11-15, 2000

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Article Posted: January 12, 2000

By: A.V. Zaytsev

We are enclosing the First Announcement and Call for Papers the Third International Conference 'SPACE PROTECTION OF THE EARTH - 2000'.

"SPE-2000" which will be held in Crimea in Evpatoriya city on September 11-15, 2000. We are hoping this conference will be as fruitful and successful as the last one and looking forward to your participation.

To ensure the conference's success, we would like to ask your support in giving this notification the widest possible distribution. In this regard, if you will send us the names of prospective attendees, we will be most happy to send them the announcements and call for papers.

We wish to express our sincere congratulations on Christmas and New Year and best wishes of further success in your work and of personal happiness. Yours sincerely,



Series of international conferences "Asteroid Hazard" (Saint-Petersburg) and "Space Shield of the Earth" (Snezhinsk, former Chelyabinsk-70) were held in Russia in 90s. They were devoted to one of the most complicated problems facing mankind - protection of the Earth from the threat of its collision with asteroids and comets. Distinguished scientists and specialists from many countries of the world including Russia, the U.S. and other contributed to the conferences.

The vital urgency of the problem is emphased by scientific information, which has been accumulated about the role of the space collisions in the history of the Earth and mankind, and predictions of destruction effects. The interest to this problem has been growing year by year since new scientific data and technologies appear that could be used to prevent such catastrophe.

The next third Conference "Space Shield of the Earth-2000" (SPE-2000) will take place in Crimea in Evpatoriya city on September 11-15, 2000. Crimea is not only a well-known Black Sea health resort but a place where astronomical and radar observations of asteroids and comets are fulfilled as well as control of the interplanetary space satellites studying the solar system objects.

The Conference is organized by the Russian Federal Nuclear Center (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Technical Physics) (RFNC-VNIITF), Lavochkin Association (LA) and the Institute of Technical Mechanics (ITM) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ukrainian Space Agency, Scientific Technical Foundation "Space Shield" supported by Minatom RF, Russian Aerospace Agency, Ukrainian Space Agency and some other organizations.


The objectives of the conference are to assess the state of scientific researches in the sphere of planetary protection from asteroids and comets; to work-out recommendations for their further development; to wide contacts among specialists and to atract people attention to this problem. In addition, it is planned to consider some associated problems, for example, feasibility assessment of utilizing small celestial bodies in the interests of space science and mankind development.


1.Asteroid and comet hazard ® Collisions of asteroids and comets with the Earth and other celestial bodies (real events and their consequences, classification, modelling, risk assessment); ® Existing technology of detection and observation of small celestial bodies (ground methods and means, space missions); ® Results of studying asteroids and comets (characteristics, orbit, engineering, physical and other models);

2.Scientific and technological aspects of creating of the defense devices against dangerous celestial bodies ® Conceptual basis for ensuring Earth defense as well as protection of other objects and other objects (problems, requirements, principles and construction schemes, application scenarios and etc.); ® Technologies of detection, support and research of the near-Earth objects (NEOs) (methods, means, construction and interaction schemes, potentialities of amateur astronomy, etc.); ® Technologies of delivery means of influence to dangerous celestial bodies (rocket-space systems, ballistics, navigation, approaching and aiming dynamics, etc.); ® Technologies of influence onto dangerous celestial bodies (methods, safety, kinetic means, nuclear, etc.); ® Information support and control (information acquisition and processing, decision making, warning, control of the components and their interaction); ® Work-out of the planetary defense system components (space missions, demonstration experiments, schemes, means, sensors, etc.); ® Miscellaneous (integration, safety, economics, etc.);

3.Social aspects of planetary defense ® Ecological, political, legislation and other problems; ® International co-operation.

4.Prospects and problems of utilizing asteroid and comet resources

Articles aimed to resolve some specific problems of Planetary defence system creation will be of higher priority.


Vadim A. SIMONENKO - Deputy Scientific Director of RFNC-VNIITF Konstantin G. SUKHANOV - Deputy Chief Designer of Lavochkin Association.


Deadline for pre-registration - February 01, 2000 Deadline for abstracts - March 01, 2000 Notification of acceptance - April 30, 2000 Submission of the full papers - June 30, 2000 Conference schedule Registration desk open - September 10 Conference - September 11-15

The participants and companions will be invited to take tours to the Crimean places of interest.


English and Russian languages are the official languages of the conference.


The one page abstracts of the proposed papers should be presented in two languages English and Russian (for participants from CIS). They should contain the following information: - title of the paper; - author's/authors' names and affiliations; - full address. Please, send the abstracts (the preferable format - TXT or MS Word 6.0/7.0/97/2000 ) to vice-chairs of the Program Committee via e-mail:

Anatoly V. ZAITSEV Oleg N. SHUBIN Lavochkin Association Leningradskoye Sh., 24 141400, Khimki, Moscow region Tel.: +7 095 251-35-69, 575-52-94 Fax: +7 095 575-52-94, 573-87-10 E-mail:spe@asteroids.ru


Registration fee (includes payments for transportation, conference materials, interprener service, banket ) Before June 30, 2000 - $ 300 On suite - $ 350 Accompanying person - $ 150 Students - $ 100 Living expenditures with three time meals Hotels *** - $ 120 a day Hotels **** - $ 140 a day