NBII Metadata Activities

NBII Biological Search Agent
NBII Program

The NBII has been involved in metadata standards, creation, quality control, and hosting since the early 1990s.   Standards such as: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Biological Data Profile, Dublin Core, Darwin Core, and Open GIS are all used within the Program.  

The NBII Metadata Program includes: training sessions and workshops; metadata development tools; metadata creation services;  quality control/metadata review;  and an integrated FGDC based metadata clearinghouse that provides access to over 40 distributed biological metadata clearinghouse nodes (http://mercury.ornl.gov/nbii/) and simultaneous access to all metadata content through the NBII BioBot Search Tool (http://search.nbii.gov).

Conferences of Interest

   Pollinator Conference
10/3/2008 - 10/4/2008
UMASS Campus Center, Amherst, Massachusetts
United States

   Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers Annual Meeting 2008
10/27/2008 - 10/29/2008
Stoneville, Mississippi
United States


NBII Metadata Quickfinder

Red-eyed Tree Frog in a tree
NBII Image Gallery

What is metadata? - Metadata is simply data about data.

Metadata can be structured or unstructured and is often used to describe, summarize, and/or aid in the human and/or machine process of information.  

NBII uses:

FGDC Biological Data Profile - describing and documenting datasets

Dublin Core+ - describing and documenting web-sites, images, publications, and other web resources

Darwin Core - digitizing and sharing of collection information

Open GIS - in support of sharing, registering, and interoperability of geospatial data layers. 

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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