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Submitting Data To the NSSDC


NSSDC has three types of customers that submit data:

  • active archives in the space sciences funded through the Science Missions Directorate
  • missions in that same directorate
  • individual scientists (mission or instrument principal investigators)

If the submitter is from one of the first two types, then there is usually an agreement (MOU or PDMP) that constrains the process. Examples of both MOUs and PDMPs are available from NSSDC.

Flow of data from the provider to final archival storage.

Figure 1. Diagram of the flow of data from the provider to final archival storage.

There is at NSSDC a curation scientist staff that spans each of the space science disciplines. If you are not aware of any agreements or cannot find your specific agreement, then contact the curation scientist staff or the head of NSSDC. Individual scientists submitting data must contact the curation staff or the NSSDC head as a first step.

Information Required by NSSDC

There are several categories of information that NSSDC will want to know about the incoming data collection (data, model, or software) to be archived. The curation scientist assigned to the data collection will review the information provided to help ensure that there is sufficient documentation to allow a scientist knowledgable in the field (but unfamiliar with the data collection or the experiment(s) that generated it) to independently make proper use of the data. A description of the process can be found at an introduction to curating data with NSSDC.

Levels of Archival Storage Service

The long term preservation, dissemination, and availability of data to researchers is specified by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the data provider and the NSSDC. Once the provider has determined what is to be transmitted, the data provider must decide what level of archival storage is required. The levels of service provided by NSSDC are shown in the table below.

Permanent Archive: AIPs Preservation of digital data in Archival Information Packages delivered by a data producer or created at NSSDC. AIPs are re-written to new media within six years. Data is disseminated by NSSDC if not available through an active archive or per MOU.
Permanent Archive: non-AIP digital data Preservation of non-packaged data on various media types. Data will eventually be migrated from legacy media to AIPs. Data is disseminated by NSSDC if not available through an active archive or per MOU.
Second Archive Storage of digital data on distributable media that is also held by another archive. No media refreshment is performed. NSSDC may disseminate the data if authorized to do so by the primary archive as per MOU.
Backup Storage of digital data at climate-controlled off-site facility to support another archive’s contingency plan per MOU. Data will not be disseminated by NSSDC.
Analog Archive Preservation of analog data on a variety of media with selected refreshment and selected digitization. Selected retention of original analog data after digitization. Data are copied and disseminated by NSSDC.

Table 1. Current levels of archival storage service provided by NSSDC to data providers.

Data Format

NSSDC ingest can support a variety of data formats. Many data formats can be packaged (encapsulated) with NSSDC AIPs to streamline the process and ensure intergrity of the data on the provider end. The data formats listed below are detailed at NOST.

  • FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)
  • CDF (Common Data Format)
  • PDS (Planetary Data System)
  • HDF (Heirarchical Data Format)
  • IDFS (Instrument Data File Set)
  • ASCII with format description
  • Binary with format description

Data Transfer

Data providers need to decide on how their data will be transferred to the NSSDC. The NSSDC can receive data as files transferred on:

  • DLT (Digital Linear Tape) or SDLT (Super DLT)
  • LTO 1, 2, 3; 4 mm and 8 mm tape
  • CD-ROM/DVD (DVD-5, DVD-9)
  • hard disc/RAID system (SCSI preferred)
  • electronic transfer over the internet

We support a number of native tape formats. The archive tapes are currently SDLT (300 GB capacity). Two copies are written; one for the local jukebox and one for off-site (climate controlled) storage.

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