Science Pick Archive

Noninvasive Sampling book cover

Newly published from Island Press Publishers is a comprehensive guide for wildlife researchers who want to use "noninvasive" research techniques coupled with cutting-edge laboratory and statistical methods to sample carnivore populations.  The book features NOROCK scientist Katherine Kendall. Kendall and co-author (K.S. McKelvey) contributed Hair Collection, a chapter providing an overview of hair snagging methods used to collect hair from carnivores such as bears, cougars, wolves, and wolverines.


ISBN-10: 1597261203; ISBN-13: 978-1597261203

Integrated Geoscience cover   

USGS professional paper featuring research from four NOROCK scientists: geologist Kenneth Pierce, ecologist Don Despain, and wildlife biologists Chuck Schwartz and Shannon Podruzny. This volume builds on a 130-year foundation of extensive, broadly based field studies in the geologically dynamic terrain of the Greater Yellowstone Area.

Available Online

Ecosystem Trends cover Newly published from Nova Science Publishers and featuring NOROCK scientist Dan Fagre. Fagre and co-authors (A. Prato and B. Keane) contributed Assessing and managing wildfire risks on the wildland-urban interface, a chapter examining the management of wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface (WUI). Authors discuss models that can simulate how future climate and land use changes might influence wildfire risk and how stakeholder's can respond to these risks in the future.

ISBN: 978-1-60456-183-8