MODIS snow/ice global mapping project
  Introduction     Images     Related Information     Personnel     Publications  
          Snow Data Products:    MOD10_L2  |  MOD10_L2G  |  MOD10A1  |  MOD10A2  |  MOD10C1  |  MOD10C2  |  MOD10CM 
          Sea Ice Data Products:    MOD29  |  MOD29PG  |  MOD29P1D  |  MOD29P1N  |  MOD29E1D 


Project Description

global MODIS map global MODIS map

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a 36-channel visible to thermal-infrared sensor that was first launched as part of the Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra payload on 18 December 1999.   A second MODIS was launched as part of the payload on the Aqua satellite on May 4, 2002.   A variety of snow and ice products is produced from the MODIS sensors, and the products are available at a variety of spatial and temporal resolutions as shown in the table below.   The MODIS snow product suite begins with a 500-m resolution, 2330-km swath snow-cover map which is then gridded to a sinusoidal grid. The sequence proceeds to climate-modeling grid (CMG) products on a latitude/longitude (cylindrical equidistant projection). Most of the products are archived at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, CO.

MODIS Snow and Ice Data Products
Data Product Name ESDT* Spatial Resolution Availability
Swath snow-cover MOD10_L2
500 m NSIDC
Daily tile snow-cover MOD10A1
500 m NSIDC
8-day composite snow-cover MOD10A2
500 m NSIDC
Daily snow-cover CMG¯ MOD10C1
0.05° (or ~5.6km) NSIDC
* New Product *
Daily snow-cover CMG¯
N / A 0.25° Email dorothy.k.hall AT to obtain the data.
8-day composite snow-cover CMG¯ MOD10C2
0.05° NSIDC
Monthly snow-cover CMG¯ MOD10CM
0.05° NSIDC
Swath sea ice extent and IST** MOD29
1 km NSIDC
Daily sea ice extent and IST**, daytime MOD29P1D
1 km NSIDC
Daily sea ice extent and IST**, nighttime MOD29P1N
1 km NSIDC
Daily sea ice extent and IST CMG**,¯ MOD29E1D
0.05° NSIDC
*Earth Science Data Type, **Ice surface temperature, ¯ Climate-modeling grid

The globe images included on the top of this page are examples of the data collected by MODIS on the Terra satellite. See full story at Earth Observatory: "The Blue Marble".

More Information:

Direct Broadcast
Education & Outreach
Lake Ice
Monthly Snow-Cover Maps
Ordering Data
Sea Ice
Snow Cover
User Guides
Global snowcover animation
Click on image to view an animation of MODIS-derived snow cover and sea ice. This animation shows the global advance and retreat of daily snow cover along with daily sea ice surface temperature over the Northern Hemisphere from September 2002 through May 2003.
      Please note: file size is 31MB.

blue line

  NASA logo Responsible NASA official: Dr. Dorothy K. Hall,   Dorothy.K.Hall AT
Webmaster: Paul Przyborski
NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center; Code 614.1 Cryospheric Sciences Branch;   Greenbelt, MD 20771
Last Modified: 07/09/08
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