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FLememory   d-out   qh
SN The relatively permanent record of the experience that underlies learning.
BT+FAe psychology    qh   ah
+FH cognition, learning, and memory    qh   ah
RT+FF2.6.6e dreams    qh   ah
+FKe learning    qh   ah
 FM4.10.8 suppression (defense mechanism)    qh   ah
 GZ2.10.14.2 mild memory disturbance    qh   ah
+GZ2.10.14.4e amnesia    qh   ah
 XZ4.2 CNS loop    qh   ah
FL2.  short-term and long-term memory   qh
RT+FKe learning    qh   ah
 FL6.6 memory consolidation    qh   ah
FL2.2e.  .  short-term memory   qh
SN Short-term memory contains information acquired through the senses or retrieved from long-term memory; it is often referred to as working memory. Short-term memory is where thinking occurs.
ST working memory
FL2.4e.  .  long-term memory   qh
FL4e.  memory by content   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
FL4.2.  .  sensory memory   qh
SN Very brief memory; holds information until it can be transferred to short-term memory.
RT+FGe sensory perception    qh   ah
FL4.4e.  .  visual memory   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
FL4.6e.  .  spatial memory   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Memory for nonverbal information perceived in the environment.
FL4.8.  .  episodic memory   qh
SN Consists of memory about specific things one has done, seen, heard, felt, tasted, etc.
FL4.10.  .  semantic memory   qh
SN Consists of conceptual information.
FL4.12e.  .  verbal memory   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
FL6.  memory process   qh
FL6.2.  .  memory span   qh
FL6.4.  .  chunking   qh
SN The use of information already present in long-term memory to organize and simplify information just received in short-term memory.
FL6.4.2.  .  .  mnemonics   qh
FL6.4.4.  .  .  cue   qh
ST stimulus
RT FK6.6.2.4e conditioned stimulus    qh   ah
 FK6.6.8e cue reactivity    qh   ah
FL6.4.4.2e.  .  .  .  alcohol cue   qh
SN A phenomenon linked to craving for alcohol in clinical alcoholics.
RT AE6e AOD craving    qh   ah
 FD4.4 clinical AOD personality    qh   ah
FL6.6.  .  memory consolidation   qh
SN The transfer of information from short-term memory into long-term memory.
RT+FL2 short-term and long-term memory    qh   ah
FL6.8.  .  rehearsal   qh
ST experience (practice)
FL6.10.  .  encoding   qh
FL8e.  characteristic of memory   qh
FL8.2e.  .  state-dependent memory   qh
SN A memory is more easily recalled when a person is in the same emotional state in which the memory was acquired.
FL8.4e.  .  memory retention   qh
ST retention (memory)
FL8.6e.  .  memory retrieval   qh
ST retrieval (memory)
FL8.6.2.  .  .  remembering   qh
SN Both an automatic and a creative process.
ST retention (psychology)
FL8.6.2.2.  .  .  .  recollection, recall   qh
SN The active search for stimuli that will evoke the appropriate memory.
FL8.6.2.4.  .  .  .  redintegration   qh
SN Process of recall through use of fragmentary clues.
FL8.6.2.6.  .  .  .  recognition (psychology)   qh
FL8.6.2.8.  .  .  .  relearning   qh
RT+FKe learning    qh   ah
FL8.8.  .  forgetting   qh
FL8.10e.  .  memory interference   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST interference (memory process)
learning inhibition
learning interference
FL8.10.2.  .  .  proactive interference   qh
SN The theory that previous learning of material can interfere with the retention of newly learned material.
ST proactive inhibition
FL8.10.4.  .  .  retroactive interference   qh
ST reactive inhibition
retroactive inhibition
FL8.12.  .  memory distortion   qh

FMadjustment   d-out   qh
SN Conceptually broad term referring to a state of harmony between internal needs and external demands and the processes used in achieving this condition. To be used for psychological, social, or emotional adaptation.
ST psychological adaptation
psychological adjustment
NT+FQ8 psychological response to stress    qh   ah
 FR26.2e social adjustment    qh   ah
BT+FAe psychology    qh   ah
RT+AE4.6 psychobehavioral AOD tolerance    qh   ah
 AE4.6.2 psychological AOD tolerance    qh   ah
+EA18e stress    qh   ah
+EA22.2e biological adaptation    qh   ah
 FD18.18e adaptability (personality)    qh   ah
+FKe learning    qh   ah
+FQe psychological stress    qh   ah
+GA2.4e mental health    qh   ah
 GA12.6 adaptation to disease    qh   ah
+GZ32.4e adjustment reaction    qh   ah
+HZe psychosocial treatment method    qh   ah
+NFe education and training    qh   ah
+NF18.4e instruction    qh   ah
FM2.  maladaptation   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
ST maladaptive behavior
FM4e.  emotional adjustment   qh
RT+FP10e emotional stability and instability    qh   ah
+GZ32.4e adjustment reaction    qh   ah
FM4.4e.  .  coping   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST cope, coping behavior
coping behavior
RT FE10.4.6e coping skills    qh   ah
FM4.6.  .  catharsis   qh
SN Relaxation of emotional tension by expressive reaction.
ST abreaction
RT+HZe psychosocial treatment method    qh   ah
FM4.8.  .  identity crisis   qh
RT FD16.4e personal identity    qh   ah
 GZ10.12 identity disorder    qh   ah
FM4.10e.  .  defense mechanism   qh
SN In psychoanalytic theory, interpersonal strategies or defenses developed in dealing with frustration and anxiety; examples include repression, projection, and regression. Also, methods by which the ego deals with conflicts and pressures imposed by the id and the superego.
BT+FQ8 psychological response to stress    qh   ah
RT EA18.4.2.2e general adaptation syndrome    qh   ah
+FD12.10.4e ego    qh   ah
+FNe motivation    qh   ah
FM4.10.2.  .  .  sublimation (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.4.  .  .  repression (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.6e.  .  .  denial   qh
FM4.10.8.  .  .  suppression (defense mechanism)   qh
RT+FLe memory    qh   ah
FM4.10.10.  .  .  displacement (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.12.  .  .  defiance   qh
FM4.10.14.  .  .  identification (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.16.  .  .  regression (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.18.  .  .  rationalization   qh
FM4.10.20.  .  .  intellectualization   qh
SN A defense mechanism in which the person discusses cognitive and intellectual material as a motive for avoiding the discussion and experience of emotions or feelings; the use of reasoning to avoid confrontation.
RT+FJ4e cognitive process    qh   ah
FM4.10.22.  .  .  introjection (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.24.  .  .  projection (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.26.  .  .  reaction formation   qh
SN A defense mechanism used to conceal unacceptable impulses by expressing instead the opposite impulse.
FM4.10.28e.  .  .  withdrawal (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.10.30.  .  .  isolation (defense mechanism)   qh
FM4.12.  .  emotional closure   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
SN The term "emotional closure" refers to a patient's ability to end or close an emotional segment of his or her life that he or she was unable previously to deal with, such as a sexual-abuse victim seeking counseling to resolve any feelings, emotions, or dysfunctions surrounding that issue. At the end of therapy, the patient may feel a sense of closure to the issue.
RT+HZe psychosocial treatment method    qh   ah
+HZ6.4e psychotherapeutic interaction    qh   ah
+JPe treatment and maintenance    qh   ah

FNemotivation   d-out   qh
SN An inner state that energizes, maintains, and directs individual or group behavior toward satisfying a need or attaining a goal.
ST desires
NT+JP10.2.4e patient motivation    qh   ah
 MU12.6 employee motivation    qh   ah
 NF24.6.2 student motivation and attitude    qh   ah
 NF24.10.2 teacher motivation and attitude    qh   ah
BT+FAe psychology    qh   ah
RT+EA18e stress    qh   ah
+EW12.6.4 brain model    qh   ah
+EW12.6.4.6 diencephalic brain model    qh   ah
 FB12.8 dynamic psychology    qh   ah
+FD8e personality development    qh   ah
 FD18.14 persistence    qh   ah
+FK6e conditioning    qh   ah
+FK6.2.2e aversion conditioning    qh   ah
+FK6.4.2e reinforcement    qh   ah
+FM4.10e defense mechanism    qh   ah
+FRe attitude and behavior    qh   ah
+FR16.10 morale    qh   ah
+FR24e sexual behavior    qh   ah
 FS22e compulsion    qh   ah
+FV12 goal    qh   ah
+FV12.6 interest    qh   ah
+JP10.2 patient treatment factors    qh   ah
+NF24.6e student behavior and participation    qh   ah
FN2.  theories of motivation   qh
SN Including, but not limited to, instinct theory, drive theory, and incentive theory; these concepts can be formed by combining this term with the appropriate descriptors (i.e., to form "instinct theory" combine *+FN2 theories of motivation* qh ah with *FN4 instinct* qh ah).
NT+FK16e social learning    qh   ah
FN2.8.  .  frustration-aggression theory   qh
RT FP14.8 frustration    qh   ah
+FS56e aggressive behavior    qh   ah
FN4.  instinct   qh
RT+FN2 theories of motivation    qh   ah
FN6.  needs and drives   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
SN A basic compelling urge. A primary drive is innate and in close contact with physiological processes. A secondary or acquired drive results from learning--for example, addiction.
ST human needs
NT EA24.8.8.2e hunger    qh   ah
 EA24.8.8.4e thirst    qh   ah
RT FR18.2.2e innate behavior    qh   ah
+FS24e addiction    qh   ah
FN6.2e.  .  sex drive   qh
RT+ESe reproductive function    qh   ah
 FD12.10.8 libido    qh   ah
+FR24e sexual behavior    qh   ah
FN8.  incentive   qh
ST inducement
BT+FV12.6 interest    qh   ah
RT FK6.4.2.2e positive reinforcement    qh   ah
FN10.  affiliation motivation   qh
SN Desire to be with others.
ST affiliation motive
RT LB16.2 affiliation    qh   ah
FN12.  achievement motivation   qh
ST achievement motive
achievement need
FN14.  self-actualization   qh
SN According to A. Maslow's theory, the process of striving to fulfill one's talents, capacities, and potentialities for maximum self-realization, ideally by integrating physical, social, intellectual, and emotional needs.
ST self-realization
BT+FD16 humanistic approach to personality    qh   ah
RT MU12.4.2e job satisfaction    qh   ah
FN16.  aggression and violence motivation   qh
FN18.  revenge motivation   qh
FN20.  intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
FN20.2.  .  intrinsic motivation   qh
SN Need or desire that arises from within the individual and causes action toward some goal. Also motivation based on satisfaction found in behaviors or activities in and of themselves, such as exploration or game playing, rather than in achieving an external goal.
RT FD18.4e internal external locus of control    qh   ah
 HZ8.20e motivational interviewing    qh   ah
FN20.4.  .  extrinsic motivation   qh
SN Need or desire arising outside the individual that causes action toward some goal. Also, motivation based not on satisfaction inherent in the activity itself but on the possibility of receiving an award.
RT FD18.4e internal external locus of control    qh   ah

FPeemotion   d-out   qh
SN Affective states (or feelings) accompanied by physiological changes that often influence behavior.
ST affective state
emotional state
NT LF2.2 emotional support    qh   ah
BT+FAe psychology    qh   ah
RT+EA4e biochemical mechanism    qh   ah
+FD18e personality trait    qh   ah
+FE10.4.4e self-management skills    qh   ah
+FP14.6e emotional and psychiatric depression    qh   ah
+FR16 attitude    qh   ah
+FR16.10 morale    qh   ah
+FR16.12 expectation    qh   ah
+GZe behavioral and mental disorder    qh   ah
+GZ2.20e mood and affect disturbance    qh   ah
+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
 LH2e quality of life    qh   ah
+OR12e accident factor    qh   ah
FP2e.  emotion as an AODC   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
BT+AK4.4e psychological AODC    qh   ah
FP4e.  AODE on emotion   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
BT+AM2e AODE    qh   ah
+AM2.4e psychobehavioral AODE    qh   ah
FP6e.  emotional development   qh
BT+FCe psychological development    qh   ah
RT+FD8e personality development    qh   ah
FP8e.  expression of emotion   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
ST emotional expressiveness
expression of feelings
RT+FR28e interpersonal communication    qh   ah
FP10e.  emotional stability and instability   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
BT+FD18e personality trait    qh   ah
RT+FM4e emotional adjustment    qh   ah
FP10.2e.  .  emotional stability   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
FP10.4e.  .  emotional instability   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
FP12e.  pleasurable emotion   qh
ST pleasurable feeling
RT FP14.10.8 anxiolysis    qh   ah
 FS2.2 positive attitude    qh   ah
FP12.2.  .  excitement   qh
ST thrill
RT FS34e sensation-seeking behavior    qh   ah
FP12.4e.  .  euphoria   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 1995.
BT+GZ2.20.4 grandiosity    qh   ah
RT+ZN2.8.6e dopamine    qh   ah
FP12.6e.  .  happiness   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST elation
joy, festive
RT GZ2.20.8 elevated mood    qh   ah
FP12.8.  .  emotionally high   qh
SN Slang term for feeling euphoric. Often used by AOD users to describe the resulting feeling from the use of an AOD substance. Also can refer to feelings resulting from success in an individual's personal life (e.g., feeling emotionally high because a romance is going well or feeling high on life).
ST feeling high
FP12.10e.  .  hope   qh
HN Introduced 1995. ETOH descriptor 2000.
RT FS42e hopelessness    qh   ah
FP12.12e.  .  satisfaction   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST fulfillment
NT LF10.2e marital satisfaction    qh   ah
 MU12.4.2e job satisfaction    qh   ah
RT+FR16.8.2.2e self-esteem    qh   ah
+LU6.12.2 success    qh   ah
FP12.14.  .  love and affection   qh
ST caring, devotion
RT FD8.2e attachment    qh   ah
+FP14.24 jealousy    qh   ah
+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
+LFe intimacy    qh   ah
+LU8.2.2 amity    qh   ah
FP14e.  displeasurable emotion   qh
ST displeasurable feeling
RT+FQe psychological stress    qh   ah
+LB16.8e social detachment    qh   ah
FP14.2.  .  boredom   qh
RT FS16e apathy    qh   ah
FP14.4.  .  unhappiness   qh
FP14.4.2.  .  .  despair   qh
ST anguish
FP14.4.4.  .  .  sadness   qh
ST melancholy
FP14.6e.  .  emotional and psychiatric depression   qh
SN Emotional state of dejection and sadness, ranging from mild discouragement to utter despair. Depression manifests itself in a wide range with respect to both seriousness and duration; mild depression is classified as an *+FP emotion* qh ah whereas major or clinical depression is a *+GZ behavioral and mental disorder* qh ah. Use this broad term when an article does not distinguish clearly between the two.
NT GZ6.4.4.4e major depression    qh   ah
RT+GZ6.4.4e affective psychosis    qh   ah
 GZ14.10e dysthymic disorder    qh   ah
FP14.6.2e.  .  .  emotional depression   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
SN Use for mild depression that does not constitute a disorder.
ST depressed mood
depression (emotion)
emotional distress
psychological distress
BT+GZ2.20.4 grandiosity    qh   ah
RT FK6.4.2.6e learned helplessness    qh   ah
 FP14.28e loneliness    qh   ah
+FS62.4.2e suicide    qh   ah
+GZ6.4.4e affective psychosis    qh   ah
 GZ6.4.4.4e major depression    qh   ah
FP14.8.  .  frustration   qh
RT FN2.8 frustration-aggression theory    qh   ah
 FQ8.2e burnout    qh   ah
FP14.10.  .  fear and anxiety   qh
RT+GZ14e neurotic disorder    qh   ah
FP14.10.2.  .  .  emotional vulnerability   qh
ST vulnerability (feeling)
FP14.10.4e.  .  .  fear   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
SN The response to a specific danger in the environment.
ST focused anxiety
scare, scared
RT GZ14.2.2e panic disorder    qh   ah
+GZ14.6e phobic disorder    qh   ah
FP14.10.6e.  .  .  anxiety   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
SN An intense, frightful reaction to an overwhelming situation of fear or anxiety characterized by extreme irrational actions and a disturbed physical state.
ST angst
unfocused anxiety
NT+GZ14.2e anxiety state    qh   ah
BT+GZ32.2 acute stress reaction    qh   ah
RT FP14.32e guilt    qh   ah
 FS22e compulsion    qh   ah
+GZ14e neurotic disorder    qh   ah
 JA6.12.8 psychological risk and protective factors    qh   ah
FP14.10.8.  .  .  anxiolysis   qh
RT+FP12e pleasurable emotion    qh   ah
FP14.12e.  .  confusion   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST bewilderment
FP14.14.  .  repulsion   qh
ST antipathy
BT+LU8.2.4 enmity    qh   ah
RT+FK6.2.2e aversion conditioning    qh   ah
FP14.16.  .  hate   qh
ST hatred
BT+LU8.2.4 enmity    qh   ah
RT+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
FP14.18e.  .  anger   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
RT+FS56e aggressive behavior    qh   ah
+LB16.8e social detachment    qh   ah
FP14.18.2.  .  .  rage   qh
RT GZ2.20.14 emotional outburst    qh   ah
FP14.20.  .  hostility   qh
ST animosity
BT+LU8.2.4 enmity    qh   ah
FP14.22.  .  resentment   qh
ST bitterness
RT+LU6.6e conflict    qh   ah
FP14.24.  .  jealousy   qh
ST envy
NT GD4. alcoholic jealousy    qh   ah
RT FP12.14 love and affection    qh   ah
+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
FP14.26.  .  sorrow   qh
ST aggrieved
RT LJ10e death    qh   ah
FP14.28e.  .  loneliness   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
RT FP14.6.2e emotional depression    qh   ah
 LC2.12e social isolation    qh   ah
FP14.30.  .  regret   qh
ST repentance, remorse
FP14.32e.  .  guilt   qh
ST shame
RT+FD12.10.6.2 conscience    qh   ah
+FP14.10.6e anxiety    qh   ah
FP14.34.  .  embarrassment   qh
ST humiliation
FP16.  compassion   qh
ST pity
FP18.  forgiving, forgiveness   qh
FP20.  intense emotion   qh

FQepsychological stress   d-out   qh
SN The psychological response of the individual to any demand made on him or her.
ST emotional stress
mental stress
social stress
NT AJ6.24e tension reduction theory of AODU    qh   ah
BT+EA18e stress    qh   ah
+FAe psychology    qh   ah
RT+EA4e biochemical mechanism    qh   ah
 FE10.4.6e coping skills    qh   ah
+FE10.4.8e stress management skills    qh   ah
+FM adjustment    qh   ah
+FP14e displeasurable emotion    qh   ah
 GH6.4 emotional trauma    qh   ah
 JA6.12.8 psychological risk and protective factors    qh   ah
FQ2e.  stress as an AODC   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
NT AJ6.24e tension reduction theory of AODU    qh   ah
BT+AK4.4e psychological AODC    qh   ah
FQ4e.  AODE on stress   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
BT+AM2e AODE    qh   ah
+AM2.4e psychobehavioral AODE    qh   ah
RT+AMe AOD effects and consequences    qh   ah
FQ6e.  psychosocial cause of stress   qh
RT+EA18.2e stressor    qh   ah
+LKe life event    qh   ah
FQ6.2e.  .  occupational stress   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
BT+LN34e workplace context    qh   ah
FQ6.4.  .  unpredictability of life event   qh
FQ6.6.  .  lack of control over life event   qh
FQ6.8.  .  external and internal conflict   qh
FQ6.8.2.  .  .  external conflict   qh
RT+FS56e aggressive behavior    qh   ah
FQ6.8.4.  .  .  internal conflict   qh
RT+EA18.4.2e biological adaptation to stress    qh   ah
+FK6.2.2e aversion conditioning    qh   ah
FQ6.8.4.2e.  .  .  .  cognitive dissonance   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
SN A theory associated with L. Festinger; a state of unpleasantness in the individual caused by perceived inconsistency among experiences, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes.
RT+FJ4e cognitive process    qh   ah
FQ6.8.4.4.  .  .  .  approach-avoidance conflict   qh
SN Having only one goal, which has both attractive and unattractive qualities.
FQ8.  psychological response to stress   qh
NT FK6.4.2.6e learned helplessness    qh   ah
+FM4.10e defense mechanism    qh   ah
BT+FM adjustment    qh   ah
FQ8.2e.  .  burnout   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 1995.
SN Negative feelings and/or behaviors resulting from unsuccessful attempts to cope with stress conditions characterized by physical and emotional exhaustion, chronic negative attitudes, very low productivity, etc.
RT FP14.8 frustration    qh   ah
 MU12.4.2e job satisfaction    qh   ah

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