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Package : SPM_MORPH

Grayscale mathematical morphology library in C with application to scanned
probe microscope image simulation, surface reconstruction, and tip
estimation. Includes standard operations such as dilation, erosion and open.
Includes a new algorithm for blind tip estimation. (J.S. Villarrubia, NIST,
Type         : Software collection
Portability   : Portable
Availability : Public domain
Language     : C
Reference    : J.S. Villarrubia, Algorithms for scanned probe microscope
               image simulation, surface reconstruction, and tip
               estimation, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., 1997.
Developer    : J.S. Villarrubia, National Institute of Standards and
               Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Distributor  : Available by anonymous FTP from ftp.nist.gov.
On sites     : (1) ITL

Implementation data for ITL

ITL     : Unix Workstation Network, National Institute of Standards and
          Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Version : 1997
Support : Unsupported
Access available only to NIST staff on internal Unix systems. They may access this
package provided the /itl tree is cross-mounted.
   Access        : The entire package can be retrieved by anonymous FTP
                   from ftp.nist.gov.
   Documentation : Retrieve file /pub/spm_morph/paper.ps.gz via
                   anonymous FTP from ftp.nist.gov.
   Source        : Retrieve file /pub/spm_morph/spmmorph.tar.gz via
                   anonymous FTP from ftp.nist.gov.

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