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Technology Transfer (T2) Centers

Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Office of International Programs (OIP) assists developing nations and nations in transition establish technology transfer (T2) centers. T2 centers improve local and regional access to U.S. and international road transportation technology, information and practices, including institutional and program building activities. T2 centers also contribute to creating the conditions for sustainable development and introduce innovations from abroad that stimulate local development and trade.

By leveraging local resources, the T2 centers eventually operate self- sustaining programs. The centers are modeled on the network of 57 centers in the United States that are part of the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP). Each center develops programs that address the needs of local and regional road transportation officials and professionals.

T2 center programs include:

  • local and regional training workshops, seminars, and conferences,
  • personnel exchanges,
  • information dissemination through a local newsletter,
  • introducing internet access and other modern information technologies,
  • promoting public/private partnerships
  • twinning with a key U.S. state, and
  • establishing information and program links with LTAP, and other technology transfer centers around the world.

FHWA has cooperated with several host countries in the establishment of these centers. Today there are T2 centers located in Africa, Latin America and others are planned for the Middle East.



Stephen Kern
Office of International Programs

This page last modified on 06/25/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration