
The Department of Energy, through the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE) Building Technologies Program works closely with the building industry and manufacturers to conduct research and development on technologies and practices for energy efficiency. The Department also promotes energy and money-saving opportunities to builders and consumers and works with state and local regulatory groups to improve building codes and appliance standards.

In addition, the Office of Hearings and Appeals plays a regulatory role in the area of Energy Efficiency as it relates to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy promotes energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources at federal facilities all over the world including military installations and our very own DOE sites. FEMP does this to ensure that the federal government, the largest energy consumer, works toward meeting the goals set forth in legislative mandates and Executives Orders for saving energy. Federal agencies are continually striving to meet these legislative and Presidential mandates, demonstrate leadership, and save taxpayer dollars with responsible and cleaner energy choices.

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