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Bibliography of the 7DayQ10 Table--Hydrologic Conditions in Illinois

Allen, H.E., Jr., and Cowan, E.A.. 1984,  Low-Flow Characteristics of Streams in the Kishwaukee River Basin, .  U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4311, 35 p..

Lara, Oscar G. 1970,  Low-Flow Frequencies of Illinois Streams.  U.S. Geological Survey; Illinois.

Singh, Krishan P. and Ramamurthy, Ganapathi S., 1993, 7-Day, 10-Year Low Flows of Streams in Northeastern Illinois: ISWS Report 545.  Illinois State Water Survey; Champaign, IL (Jan. 1993).

Singh, Krishan P. , 1993, 7-Day 10-Year Low Flows of Streams in Northeastern Illinois: ISWS Report 307.  Illinois State Water Survey; Champaign, IL (Jan. 1983).

Singh, Krishan P.; Ramamurthy, Ganapathi S.; and Seo, II Won., 1988A,   7-Day 10-Year Low Flows of Streams in the Rock, Spoon, La Moine, and Kaskaskia Regions: ISWS Report 440.  Illinois State Water Survey; Champaign, IL (Feb. 1988).

Singh, Krishan P., Ramamurthy, G.S., and Seo, Il Won, 1988B,   7-Day 10-Year Low Flows of Streams in the Kankakee, Sangamon, Embarras, Little Wabash, and Southern  Regions: ISWS Report 441.  Illinois State Water Survey; Champaign, IL (Feb. 1988).

Singh, Krishan P. and Stall, John B., 1973,  The 7-Day 10-Year Low Flows of Illinois Streams.  Illinois State Water Survey; Urbana, IL

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