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DEET is an ingredient found in many insect repellent products, including those used by the DoD and the general public. more...

Depleted Uranium
Uranium consisting of the same three isotopes (234U, 235U, and 238U) as natural uranium, but with a slightly greater percentage of 238U (99.8 percent instead of 99.3 percent). more...

Depleted Uranium - Urine Testing
Uranium consisting of the same three isotopes (234U, 235U, and 238U) as natural uranium, but with a slightly greater percentage of 238U (99.8 percent instead of 99.3 percent). more...

Depleted Uranium Information Library
The Depleted Uranium Information Library, is a gateway to primary source materials relating to the military use of depleted uranium and its possible health effects. more... is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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