Sample Case Priorty Checklist

  • Identify potential cases.
    • Identify any statute of limitation issues (consult with prosecutors).
    • Define case categories according to solvability factors.
  • Prioritize cases (consider solvability factors).
  • Locate and review the case file; obtain evidence logs and other documentation such as laboratory and autopsy reports.
  • Locate previous forensic testing reports and location of previously tested evidence.For example—
    • Blood previously ABO typed.
    • Hair analyzed microscopically.
    • Fingerprint evidence.
  • Locate crime scene evidence containing biological material.
  • Evaluate the case and evidence for potential probative DNA. Be sure to—
    • Consider all evidentiary possibilities.
    • Take appropriate precautions against contamination.
  • In consultation with the laboratory and prosecutors, submit appropriate (probative) evidence to the laboratory for testing.
  • Continue investigative protocol. If needed, obtain reference samples from suspects—
    • Voluntarily using a consent form.
    • By using a previously obtained sample (e.g., if a reference sample was used for standard serological testing).
  • Identify witness issues—
    • Legal availability.
    • Willingness to proceed.
    • Location.
  • If a profile does not match suspect profiles, follow agency procedures for submitting the evidence profile to CODIS.
  • If no offender match occurs in cases in which statutes of limitation are an issue, prepare a John Doe warrant.