How Funding Is Allocated

In general, funds for sample analysis, by either in-house testing or testing by accredited fee-for-service laboratories, will be awarded on the basis of the estimated number of DNA database samples awaiting analysis as of September 30, 2008, that are projected to be analyzed during the award period with Federal funds provided under this announcement. The amount awarded for sample analysis will not exceed $35.00 per profile generated (or per sample processed if no profile is generated but reasonable attempts were made). An additional $5.00 per profile may be requested if assistance is needed for data review and upload to NDIS. Total awards will not exceed $40.00 per sample analyzed and uploaded to NDIS.

Agencies that send DNA database samples to an accredited fee-for-service laboratory for analysis may apply for assistance with data review and upload of profiles to NDIS if a backlog of profiles to be entered into CODIS exists. These awards will not exceed $5.00 per DNA profile reviewed and uploaded to NDIS. Funds for data review of DNA profiles generated by accredited fee-for-service laboratories from DNA database samples will be based on the estimated number of DNA profiles awaiting data review as of September 30, 2008, that are projected to be reviewed during the award period with Federal funds provided under this announcement. 

Funds will be awarded only for sample analysis and data review above and beyond that which a State can accomplish using current sources of funding. The total amount of funding requested by eligible States may also affect award amounts. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.