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Military Service Organizations and Veterans Service Organizations

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November 30,2004
The November meeting focused on three major areas. Colonel John Grabenstein, deputy director, Military Vaccine Agency, discussed influenza and anthrax. Dr. Michael Kilpatrick discussed Acinetobacter baumannii infections. more...

October 28,2004
The October meeting focused on three major areas. Colonel Bart Harmon, M.D., provided an overview of military electronic health records. Dr. Michael Kilpatrick discussed the adenovirus and flu vaccines. more...

September 4,2004
The September meeting focused on one major area, the U.S. Army's Disabled Soldier Support System (DS3). Col. Jacqueline Cumbo provided an overview of the program. She explained that the Army introduced "DS3" on April 30, 2004, to provide its severely disabled service members and their families with a system of advocacy and follow-up. more...

July 22,2004
The July meeting focused on three major areas. Dr. Marianne Mathewson-Chapman and Mr. Bobby Hite, discussed DoD/VA coordinated transition, Mr. Jim Hoffman provided an overview of the Army Career and Alumni Program and Mr. Jim Weiskopf provided a briefing on the Fisher House. more...

June 24,2004
The June meeting focused on two major areas. Ms. Polli Brunelli, discussed the Federal Voting Assistance Program and Ms. Victoria Bruner provided a briefing on Project De-STRESS. more...

May 20,2004
In light of the support requirements as the dedication of the World War II Memorial nears, with the recommendation and concurrence of attendees, the May 20th meeting was cancelled. more...

April 13,2004
The April meeting focused on two major areas. Rear Adm. Babb discussed the Commissioned Corps Readiness Force (CCRF) and Major Annmarie Amaral provided a briefing on the Army Medical Department and Public Health Service. more...

February 26,2004
Three areas of interest were discussed at the meeting all presented by, Colonel John Sackett, U.S. Army Human Resources Command. He informed the group that the current imminent death processing ended on January 20, 2004. Also in an effort to better serve servicemembers in medical holdover, Community Based Healthcare Option has been established. more...

January 20,2004
Two areas of interest were addressed at the meeting. Mr. Lionel West, an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran who served with the 2/4 Field Artillery, 3rd Infantry Division, shared personal photos and stories from his deployment. His unit deployed to Kuwait in January2033, invaded Iraq in March and returned in August. He served as the Headquarters, Headquarters Service commander. His unit was responsible for the deployment of multiple launch rocket systems. more... is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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