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Federal Election Commission



Resources for Committee Treasurers

The treasurer of a political committee registered with the Federal Election Commission is legally responsible for that committee's compliance with the federal campaign finance laws. The Commission has developed this page to help treasurers fulfill that responsibility.

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Information on E-Mail ProgramAs you'll see, this page not only provides links to an array of helpful publications, online presentations and other pages, it also offers timely tips and reminders to help treasurers meet their obligations under the law. As an added feature, you can subscribe to receive automatic notification of updates to this page via RSS. We also invite you to ask questions, provide feedback and offer your own compliance tips by e-mail to

In addition to these online resources, the FEC staffs a toll-free information hotline (800-424-9530), and offers periodic educational workshops for treasurers. Please visit our Outreach page for details, and sign-up to receive program updates by e-mail at


Tips for Treasurers

This section offers helpful tips -- both from the FEC and from your fellow treasurers -- to help you meet your obligations under the federal campaign finance law. To suggest a tip, please e-mail us at Click here to receive the tips as an RSS feed.

September 15, 2008 September Reporting Reminder. Monthly filing committees are reminded that they have a report due Saturday, September 20 . Please note that the Commission does not have statutory authority to extend filing deadlines, even when they occur on weekends. Electronic filers are reminded that they must use the new version 6.2 electronic filing format (see the June 17 tip for details.)
September 8, 2008 Nonconnected Guide (2008 Edition) Now Available in Hard Copy. No more long waits for download! Printed versions of the 2008 updated version of the FEC's Campaign Guide for Nonconnected Committees are now available free of charge from the FEC's Information Division. Nonconnected committees include PACs sponsored by partnerships or LLCs, leadership PACs, and PACs organized by unincorporated groups of individuals. To order, call 1-800/424-9530 (press 6), or send an e-mail to
September 2, 2008 Electioneering Communications Period for the General Election Begins Friday. Electioneering communications are television and radio communications that refer to a clearly identified federal candidate and are distributed to the relevant electorate within 60 days prior to a general election or 30 days prior to a primary, nominating convention or caucus (including special elections). Individuals and other entities who make electioneering communications for the general election between the period beginning Friday, September 5, and ending on Tuesday, November 4, that aggregate in excess of $10,000 must file FEC Form 9 with the Commission within 24 hours of distribution to the public.
August 25, 2008

Contributions to Presidential Candidates. An individual may contribute up to $2,300 (multicandidate PAC: $5,000) to a Presidential candidate in the primary election campaign, whether or not the candidate accepts matching funds. (The $2,300 limit applies to the entire primary process, rather than to a single primary held in a particular state.) The primary election period ends on the date that the candidate accepts the nomination of the party. (For Democrats, that date will be 8/28/08, and for Republicans, that date will be 9/4/08.)

After that date, a major party nominee who chooses to accept public funding for the general election may not accept any private contributions to further his election. An individual, however, may contribute up to $2,300 to the legal/accounting compliance fund of a publicly funded major party nominee (multicandidate PAC: $5,000). In the case of a major party nominee who is not publicly funded, an individual may contribute up to $2,300 (multicandidate PAC: $5,000) to the general election campaign. For more information, see the brochure Public Funding of Presidential Elections.

For more, visit our Timely Tips Archive.

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Selected Publications

This section provides links to publications designed specifically for committee treasurers. Additional publications are available in the FEC Library, through our Quick Answers pages and on our Publications page.

Monthly Newsletter

All committee treasurers automatically receive a free subscription to the FEC's monthly newsletter, the Record. Reading the Record each month is one of the best ways to stay current on the law and your obligations as a treasurer. Every issue of the Record from 1996 - present is available online. To subscribe to the Record, send an e-mail with your name and address to

Campaign Guides

Campaign Guides are compliance manuals for committees registered with the FEC. The guide supplements summarize relevant post-publication rules and opinions.



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Reporting Help and Filing Information

This section supplements the reporting and filing information contained in the publications listed above with links to additional information. Treasurers may also seek reporting and filing assistance from the Campaign Finance Analyst who reviews the committee's reports. To reach the Reports Analysis Division, call 1-800-424-9530 (press 5).

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