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In Vitro Test Methods for Detecting Nonsevere Ocular Irritants

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In October 2003, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) submitted several nominations to ICCVAM to reduce, replace and refine the use of rabbits for ocular irritation testing. One nominated activity was to review the state of the science and the availability of in vitro test methods for assessing moderate or mild eye irritation.

ICCVAM is now reviewing the validation status of these and other in vitro test methods for identifying nonsevere ocular irritants (i.e., those that induce reversible ocular damage) and non-irritants. As part of the review process, NICEATM requests the submission of data from substances tested for ocular irritancy in humans, rabbits, and/or in vitro. Data will be compiled and added to the database maintained by NICEATM and utilized where appropriate in the evaluation of in vitro ocular irritation test methods. Data received will also be considered and used where applicable for future evaluation activities.

Federal Register Notice (Vol. 72, No. 109, page 31582-3, June 7, 2007):
Request for Ocular Irritancy Test Data From Human, Rabbit, and In Vitro Studies Using Standardized Testing Methods

View Federal Register Notice
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Advancing Public Health and Animal Welfare