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PUMAS logo PUMAS (poo' · mas) -- is a collection of one-page examples of how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings, including everyday life. The examples are written primarily by scientists and engineers, and are available to teachers, students, and other interested parties via the PUMAS Web Site. Our goal is to capture, for the benefit of pre-college education, the flavor of the vast experience that working scientists have with interesting and practical uses of math and science...

Ralph Kahn
PUMAS Editor and Founder


         PUMAS Masthead  Background Information

We are now collecting examples for PUMAS -- Please contribute examples!
Currently the PUMAS Collection contains 71 examples.

PUMAS Examples (A current list by title)

 Help Examples Wanted Reviewers Contributors PUMAS Examples

NCTM Illuminations Chosen as a Selected Web Resource
by the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics Illuminations Project.
  National Science Teachers Association

Home Last updated: Monday July 14, 2008
Copyright Information: © 1996, California Institute of Technology,
Privacy Statement
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Based on U.S. Government sponsored research
 Supported in part by NASA
Earth Science Enterprise,
Education and Outreach Program
JPL and Caltech
  NASA Home Page   PUMAS Editor: Ralph Kahn
  WebCurator: Cecelia Lawshe
  Clearance: CL 96-1624

JPL Caltech