Materials for Uniformed Service Members


Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) are responsible for ensuring that all absentee voting materials are ordered for their unit from the Army Publishing Directorate. Each Army ordering agency has an account number. Voting materials must be ordered from the U.S. Army Europe Publications Office. The form and publication numbers are: FPCA (SF 76); FWAB (SF 186); VAG, Misc. Publication 360-02; motivational poster–DoD 113; and the 2008 State Primary Election Dates poster, Publication EDP08.

Please contact your Service Voting Action Officer if you have any additional questions.


Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) are responsible for ensuring that all absentee voting materials are made available to service members. The Navy's specific ordering instructions are:

FPCA (SF 76): Purchase from Navy Logistics Library (NLL) Navy Stock # 7450-00-634-5053–Unit of Issue: 100HD

FWAB (SF 186): Purchase from NLL Navy Stock # 7540-01-218-4384–Unit of Issue: 100HD

VAG (VAG08-09): Purchase from NLL Navy Stock # 0500-LP-107-1558 Unit of Issue EA

Posters: Purchase from NLL Navy Stock # 0500-LP-107-1951

Training CD: Contact the Navy Voting office

Please contact your Service Voting Action Officer if you have any additional questions.

Air Force

Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) are responsible for ensuring that all absentee voting materials are ordered for their unit from Air Force E-Publishing. VAOs may establish an online account to order the materials or place their order through an Organizational Account Representative (OAR). OARs are squadron personnel (normally in the orderly room/CSS) who order forms and publications. Units are not charged for voting materials. Voting information is available at Air Force Service Voting site.

Please contact your Service Voting Action Officer if you have any additional questions.

Marine Corps

Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) are responsible for ensuring that all absentee voting materials are made available to service members. Forms are available through one of the following: unit supply officers via SABRES, Direct Support Stock Control (DSSC) outlets, or directly from General Services Administration (GSA). The Marine Corps' specific instructions are:

FPCA (SF 76): NSN: 75-00-634-5053

FWAB (SF 186): NSN: 7540-01-218-4384

VAG (VAG08-09): Available through unit S-1 offices via MCPDS or may be requested from the SVAO.

Marine Corps VAOs may also obtain information on ordering voting materials by accessing Marine Corps Service Voting site.

Please contact your Service Voting Action Officer if you have any additional questions.

Coast Guard

Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) are responsible for ensuring that all absentee voting materials are ordered for their unit from General Services Administration (GSA). The Coast Guard's specific instructions are:

FPCA (SF 76): NSN: 7540-00-634-5053–Unit of Issue: 1 HD

FWAB (SF 186): NSN 7540-01-218-4384–Unit of Issue: 1 HD

VAG (VAG08-09): Distributed through the DOT warehouse whenever a new edition is issued. Any unit on distribution that fails to receive their issue by January 1, 2008, should contact their Service Voting Action Officer.

Please contact your Service Voting Action Officer if you have any additional questions.

Last updated: 08.25.2008