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Swift Education and Public Outreach
Goddard Space Flight Center Sonoma State University Education and Public Outreach

Education and Public Outreach

Latest Swift Outreach News

July 10, 2008 - Epo's Chronicles
We invite you to take a journey with us as we travel through space trying to figure out our origins and learn about the universe we live in. Through this comic strip we will meet alien civilizations who will help us in our journey. We will even get to help them out with their own questions about the universe every once in a while.
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March 20, 2008 - NASA Satellite Detects Record Gamma Ray Burst Explosion Halfway Across Universe
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September 14, 2007 - Stellar cannibal gets Swift treatment
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Interview with Swift Principal Investigator Neil Gehrels
+ Hear the Audio File!

Welcome to the Swift mission Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) page. Here you will find information about the various projects being done by the Swift E/PO group, as well as cool science, mathematics, and technology learning experiences. Our goal is to use the observations and scientific discoveries of the Swift mission to improve the understanding and utilization of science and mathematics concepts for grades 7-12.

Where over the world is Swift? (click here to find out)

Multimedia: See the Swift movie, or Hear the Swift song

If you have a question about Swift, please contact us via the Feedback form.

This page was last modified on Wednesday, 09-Jul-2008 12:17:06 PDT.

Science Mission Directorate Universe Division
Beyond Einstein | Origins

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  • A service of the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) at NASA/ GSFC

    Swift PI: Neil Gehrels,
    Responsible SSU Personnel: Lynn Cominsky
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