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Updated 23 July 2008




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See also the U.S. Climate Change Science Program.








Climate Change Technology – Plans, Programs, and Supporting Policies and Measures [PDF version of MS Powerpoint file;2.1MB] Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay (U.S. Department of Energy) to delegation of German parliamentarians from State Parliament of Landtag von Baden-Wurttemberg. Presentation made at the Council on Environmental Quality on May 19, 2008.

Roadmaps From the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan [PDF version of MS Powerpoint file; 3MB] Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay (U.S. Department of Energy) to workshop organized by the International Energy Agency (IEA). This event was held in Paris, France on May 15-16, 2008.

Challenges and Successes in Technology Roadmap Implementation. [PDF version of MS Powerpoint file; 0.7MB] Presentation by Jack Eisenhauer and Ross Brindle from  Energetics Incorporated to workshop organized by the International Energy Agency (IEA). This event was held in Paris, France on May 15-16, 2008.

Overview of Climate Change R&D at National Laboratories [PDF version of MS Powerpoint file; 2.0MB] Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay (U.S. Department of Energy) to colloquium on climate change R&D organized by the Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, and the National Commission on Energy Policy. This event was held in Chicago on May 6-7, 2008.

Grand Challenges in Science for Guiding Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation[PDF version of MS Powerpoint file; 2.8MB] Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay (U.S. Department of Energy) at a workshop sponsored by the DOE Office of Science Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee (BERAC). This workshop was held in Washington, DC on March 25-27, 2008.

Advancing Climate Change Technology - The Key to Multi-Goal Convergence [PDF version of MS Powerpoint file; 2.5 MB] Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay (U.S. Department of Energy) to the National Academies Summit on America's Energy Future. This event was held in Washington, DC on March 13-14, 2008.

Climate Change -- Recent Developments and What is the U.S. Doing About It? [PDF version of MS Powerpoint file; 3.7 Mb]. Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay (Deputy Director, Climate Change Technology Program, U.S. Department of Energy) at the DC Council of Engineering and Architectural Societies (DCCEAS) Engineers Week Awards Banquet. The event was held in Silver Spring, MD on February 23, 2008. (posted 4 March 2008)

Carbon Lock-In: Barriers to Deploying Climate Change Mitigation Technologies [PDF]. Report (dated November 2007) published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (link posted 22 January 2008)


Testimony of Stephen D. Eule (Director, Climate Change Technology Program, U.S. Department of Energy) before the U.S. Congress, House of Representatives (posted 22 November 2006):

U.S. Approach to Climate Change [PDF version of MS Powerpoint file; 4.2 Mb]. Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay (U.S. Department of Energy) at Addressing Climate Change -- A German-American Dialogue, an event sponsored by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies. The event was held at the Climate Institute, Washington, DC, on 26 October 2006.  Also available as MS Powerpoint file [11.9 Mb] (posted 21 November 2006)

Cover of CCTP Strategic Plan, Final Report


U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan.  See also press release. (posted 20 Sep 2006).


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC:  Government and Expert Review.  The second-order draft of Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change is available for expert and government review.   Comments were due 23 August 2006 [comment period now closed].  The draft report is available along with instructions and related materials.  See also Federal Register notice (dtd 24 July 2006).  (links posted 24 July 2006).

Results of a Technical Review of the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program’s R&D Portfolio [PDF] Report (dated May 2006) published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (link posted 7 July 2006)

National Climate Change Technology Initiative Priorities – FY 2007 Request. (posted 7 April 2006)

CCTP Strategic Plan Public Review Draft [PDF; 5.3 Mb]  Overview Presentation (dtd January 24, 2006) for U.S. Congress, Senate, Energy and Natural Resources Committee Staff. By David Conover, Director, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program U.S. Department of Energy. Also available as MS Powerpoint presentation (11.4 Mb). (posted 27 Jan 2006)

2005U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan, Draft for Public Comment

Public Comments on Draft Strategic Plan (posted 21 Dec 2005; see announcement).

DOE Releases Draft Strategic Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Deployment of Advanced Technology.  Press release (dtd 22 September 2005) from U.S. Department of Energy.  (posted 22 September 2005)

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan, Draft for Public Comment.  Review draft (dated September 2005).  See also Invitation to Review the Draft Strategic Plan and Instructions for Submission of comments.    Deadline for comments: 2  November 2005, 5 PM EST. [Note: With expiration of the public comment period, comments no longer are being accepted.] (posted 22 September 2005)

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program: Technology Options for the Near and Long Term. A compendium (dated September 2005) of technology profiles and ongoing research and development at participating Federal agencies. (posted 15 September 2005)

Report on the Independent Peer Review of the “Synthesis Assessment of Long-Term Climate Change Technology Scenarios."  Brief report (dated 1 Aug 2005) issued by the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program.  The Synthesis Assessment appears as Chapter 3 [PDF] in the CCTP Strategic Plan, Draft for Public Comment (September 2005). (link posted 15 September 2005)

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program: Vision and Framework for Strategy and Planning. Report (dated August 2005). See also Department of Energy Releases Vision & Framework for the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program, press release (dtd 5 August 2005) from Department of Energy.  Order a hardcopy of this report from GCRIO Online Catalog. (posted 5 August 2005)

Fact Sheet: Action on Climate Change, Energy and Sustainable Development.  Document (dtd 8 July 2005) issued by the White House. 

President's Statement on U.S. Joining New Asia-Pacific Partnership.  Document (dtd 27 July 2005) issued by the White House. 

CCTP Announces Plan for a Peer Review of Its Synthesis Assessment of Long-Term Climate Change Technology Scenarios.  The peer review will commence on June 13, 2005, and will end not later than June 30, 2005.  A report on the results of the peer review will be prepared by DOE and made available [That report (dtd 1 Aug 2005) has been posted.  The Synthesis Assessment appears as Chapter 3 [PDF] in the CCTP Strategic Plan, Draft for Public Comment, issued September 2005]. (link originally posted 10 June 2005; entry revised 15 Sep 2005).

Climate Change Fact Sheet. The Bush Administration's Actions on Global Climate Change. Document issued on 18 May 2005 by the White House. [posted 10 June 2005 ]

Climate Friendly Technologies -- A U.S. Priority.  Presentation (dtd 15 December) at the U.S. Embassy in Paris by Dr. Robert C. Marlay, Deputy Director, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program.  (posted 19 Jan 2005):


The Bush Administration’s Approach to Climate Change.  Article (dated 30 July 2004) by U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham, Science.

The Bush Administration’s Climate Change Strategy: An Overview [PDF].   Keynote address presented by David W. Conover, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Secretary, Director, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program.  Presented before the National Idling Reduction Planning Conference, 17-19 May 2004, Albany, New York.


Department of Energy Releases Climate Change Reports. "Includes Current Research Activities; Technology Options for Near- and Long-Term."   Press release (dtd 2 December 2003) from the Department of Energy.

Cover of report on Research and Current ActivitiesU.S. Climate Change Technology Program Research and Current Activities. Report (dated November 2003). (posted 1 December 2003)

Cover of report on Technology OptionsU.S. Climate Change Technology Program: Technology Options for the Near and Long Term. A compendium (dated November 2003) of technology profiles and ongoing research and development at participating Federal agencies. (posted 1 December 2003). [Note:  This report was updated in 2005.  See 2005 Edition.

Statement of David Conover, Director of the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program [PDF]. Presented before the U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Energy Subcommittee, hearing on What are the Administration Priorities for Climate Change Technology?, 6 November 2003.

Report on Responses to the Request for Information Regarding the National Climate Change Technology Initiative. Issued by the U.S. Department of Energy, October 2003.

Remarks by Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham before the American Academy in Berlin. Presented 17 September 2003. Report to Congress: Federal Climate Change Expenditures. [PDF, 573k]. Report (August 2003) from the Office of Management and Budget.

Technology Approach to the Climate Challenge [PDF].  Paper presented by David W. Conover, Director, Climate Change Technology Program, before the Earth Technologies Forum, 22 April 2003.


Stabilizing Greenhouse Gases in the Earth's Atmosphere: Opportunities for Technology and Innovations.  Presentation from Breakout Session 16 of the US Climate Change Science Program: Planning Workshop for Scientists and Stakeholders, 3-5 December 2002, Washington, DC. 

Department Of Energy Solicits Scientific Innovations for President's Climate Change Initiative. Press release (dtd 21 Nov 2002) from the Department of Energy.

Request for Information and Statement of Interest, Solicitations for Research on Innovative Climate Change Technologies. Issued on 19 Nov 2002). Submission deadline was 31 January 2003. See also the Report on Responses to the Request for Information Regarding the National Climate Change Technology Initiative, issued in October 2003.


Letter to President Bush on Climate Change Science and Technology Plan.  Letter (dtd 9 Sep 2002) from Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce.  Also available as PDF file.  See also U.S. Climate Research and Technology Progress Outlined, press release (dtd 24 September 2002) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 

Statement of Robert Card
Under Secretary for Energy, Science, and Environment, U.S. Department of Energy
. Presented before the U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science, hearing on The Administration's Climate Change Initiatives, July 10, 2002.


President's Statement on Climate Change. Presented 13 July 2001.

President George W. Bush speaks during a visit to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Feb. 14. "America and the world share this common goal: we must foster economic growth in ways that protect our environment," said the President as he announced new initiatives to foster economic growth while protecting the environment. White House photo by Paul Morse.US Global Climate Change Initiative

President Bush Discusses Global Climate Change.  Remarks from the White House Rose Garden, 11 June 2001.

National Energy Policy. Report (dtd May 2001) from the U.S. National Energy Policy Development Group.

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