Mission, Vision and Core Values


The mission of the Federal Voting Assistance Program is to:

  • inform and educate U.S. citizens worldwide of their right to vote;
  • administer the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) effectively and efficiently;
  • foster voting participation; and,
  • protect the integrity of, and enhance the electoral process at the Federal, state, and local levels.


It is the vision of the Federal Voting Assistance Program that:

  • all U.S. citizens are aware of their right to vote;
  • all Uniformed Service members and their voting-age family members, and all U.S. citizens residing outside the U.S. have an opportunity to vote, and to have their vote counted; and,
  • all states and territories adopt legislation and procedures to make the absentee voting process simple and uniform for all citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA).

Core Values

The Federal Voting Assistance Program operates under the following core values:

  • Service—We are dedicated to providing the highest level of support to UOCAVA citizens.
  • Professionalism—We provide quality and well-defined policies, plans and programs through highly motivated and skilled teams. We develop and maintain strong collaborative working relationships with our stakeholders and value their contributions to the pursuit of our shared goals.
  • Honesty—We promote integrity in all aspects of our mission. We carry out policies and practices that are open and transparent to our employees, stakeholders and UOCAVA citizens.
  • Non-partisanship—We protect the voting rights of all UOCAVA citizens and facilitate the absentee voting process to support their right to vote regardless of political affiliation.
  • Innovation—We encourage creative ideas and solutions to broaden the franchise.

Last updated: 05.01.2008