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American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
345 Blackstone Blvd
1st Floor - Weld
Providence, RI 02906
Phone: (401) 524-3076
Fax: (401) 272-0922


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  Home Page

19th Annual Meeting & Symposium

December 4-7, 2008  ~  Boca Raton, Florida


For more conference information and events click here

Conference Registration now open click herE


Pre-Conference Buprenorphine Training

December 3, 2008 Boca Raton, FL

Click here 

to register


2008 Review Course 

December 6-7, 2008  ~  Boca Raton, Florida


Click here for more information on the 2008 Review Course.


2007 Review Course Materials

To order the 2007 Review Course Materials, 

please call the AAAP office at (401) 524-3076.



Mark your calendar for the 2009 AAAP Conference!!


20th Annual Meeting & Symposium

December 3-6, 2009

Hyatt Regency Century Plaza

Los Angeles, California



The National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse 

wants to hear from you!  


Are you an administrator or staff in a treatment program for substance 

use disorders?  If you are, please share your views and experiences 

by participating in a brief (five question) Online Survey.  

You'll be answers will help improve access, availability 

and quality of treatment for substance abuse.  


Take the survey now!



Different Paths to Success in Alcohol Dependence

To learn more visit www.extendmed.com/alcoholtreatment.



Join the PCSS!

The Physician Clinical Support System (PCSS), a national mentoring network offered free
of charge for physicians treating opioid dependence is a service supported by SAMHSA 
and coordinated by ASAM to help physicians implement buprenorphine in their practices.  

To learn more visit www.PCSSmentor.org or call (877) 630-8812.




In an unprecedented partnership, Join Together, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), and Faces & Voices of Recovery are uniting to help communities make the most of a powerful opportunity to bring the message of addiction treatment and recovery to millions of Americans. On March 15-18, HBO launched the Addiction Project, a groundbreaking multi-media campaign to help Americans understand addiction as a treatable brain disease, spotlight new treatment advancements, and provide hope for long-term recovery. The 14-part series aired during a free HBO preview weekend, and kicked off with a March 15 broadcast of the centerpiece documentary ADDICTION at 9 p.m. ET. To find out more about HBO's ADDICTION project and exciting ways you can get involved in mobilizing your community around it, visit www.AddictionAction.org.


2007 AAAP Performance Monitor and Audit Tool


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