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see the associated Validation Report, Part 5

Related Sites
Image Ordering:
USGS/EO-1 website at

Questions and comments related to this document should be directed to:

Joseph Young
EO-1 Technology Transfer Manager
EO-1 Mission Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: 301-286-8146
Fax: 301-286-1736
E-Mail: Joe Young

Sample Images

A collection of sample images, for both the ALI and Hyperion instruments, can be found at http://eo1/new/general/imagery/sampleImagesDataSet.html to illustrate the wide range of types of scenes that EO-1 can capture. The three band numbers used to produce each image are listed in the captions. In addition to the image pictures, full resolution image data for a series of themes and locations can be accessed from the USGS/EO-1 website at: http://eo1.usgs.gov. This data can be obtained by clicking on SAMPLES, on a particular theme/location shown on the U.S. map, and finally on "Dowload" for either ALI or Hyperion data. This information can be used to "experiment" with analizing EO-1 image data.


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