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Electrochemical Energy Storage

Gary L. Henriksen, Sr., Electrochemical Engineer and Department  Manager
phone: 630/252-4591, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • MS, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Catholic University of America
  • Leader of Electrochemical Energy Storage department
  • Manager of U.S. Department of Energy's applied lithium battery R&D program
  • Lithium battery materials and cell chemistries

Materials Research

Michael M. Thackeray, Materials Scientist and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-9184, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemistry, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Energy materials
  • Solid state electrochemistry
  • Structural design of battery electrode/electrolyte materials
  • Ionic and electronic transport phenomena in solids – phase transitions
  • Surface phenomena – electrode/electrolyte interactions

Christopher S. Johnson, Chemist
phone: 630/252-4787, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, Northwestern University
  • Synchrotron spectroelectrochemical studies
  • Synthesis and characterization of advanced lithium battery electrodes

John Vaughey, Inorganic Chemist
phone: 630/252-8885, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Northwestern University
  • Lithium-ion battery materials design and evaluation
  • Primary medical batteries
  • Alloys and intermetallics
  • Oxide synthetic methods

Lynn Trahey, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-6848; e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
  • Electrodeposition of materials
  • Nano-microstructural characterization

Technology Development

Khalil Amine, Materials Scientist and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-3838, fax: 630/972-4451, e-mail:

  • PhD (Material Science, with high honor): University of Bordeaux 1, France
  • Fluorine chemistry, carbon chemistry, itercalation chemistry, fuel cell polymer chemistry, and advanced electrochemical devices and battery materials

Ilias Belharouak, Chemist/Materials Scientist
phone: 630/252-4450, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Solid-State Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Bordeaux
  • Development of advanced cath¬ode materials that can be utilized for high-power lithium-ion bat¬teries for hybrid electric vehicle applications as well as for implantable medical devices.

Zonghai Chen, Chemist
phone: 630/252-6551, fax: 630/972-4661, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemistry, Dalhousie University
  • Electrochemistry
  • Electrical energy storage
  • Molecular modeling

Zhengcheng Zhang, Polymer Chemist
phone 630/252-7868, fax 630/972-4440, e-mail

  • PhD, Polymer Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Siloxane electrolyte for lithium battery and supercapacitor
  • Electrolyte additives for HEV and PHEV applications
  • Lithium complex as multi-functional electrolyte salt

Damien Dambournet, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-7593, e-mail:

  • PhD, Solid-State Chemistry and Materials Science, ICMCB-CNRS University of Bordeaux
  • Development of advanced anode materials for high-power/hih-energy lithium-ion batteries for hybrid electric vehicle and plug-in HEVs

Haixia Deng, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-4519, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong
  • Synthesize, characterize and scale up high-energy, high-power electrode materials for Li-ion batteries
  • Evaluate and diagnose advanced battery materials

Yan Qin, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-8231, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
  • Functional electrolyte for lithium ion battery

Engineering Research

Dennis W. Dees, Electrochemical Engineer and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-7349, fax: 630/972-4520, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
  • Theoretical studies of electrochemical systems
  • Experimental aspects of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering
  • Electrochemical energy storage and conversion technologies (advanced batteries and fuel cells)

Daniel P. Abraham, Materials Scientist
phone: 630/252-4332, fax: 630/972-4406, e-mail:

  • PhD, Metallurgical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Lithium battery, electrochemical testing and analysis
  • Lithium battery, formulation, assembly and diagnostics
  • Material surface analysis, XPS and SIMS
  • Material structure analysis, XRD, SEM and TEM

Andrew N. Jansen, Chemical Engineer
phone: 630/252-4956, fax: 630/972-4461, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Florida
  • Electrochemical engineering
  • Lithium-ion batteries
  • Advanced batteries for transportation
  • Packaging for advanced battery designs

Sun-Ho Kang, Materials Scientist
phone: 630/252-4212, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
  • Design, synthesis, and characterization of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries
  • Diagnostic analysis of degradation and failure mechanisms of Li-ion batteries
  • Structure-properties relationship of oxide materials for energy storage/conversion devices

Wenquan Lu, Chemical Engineer
phone: 630/252-3704; fax: 630-252-4176; e-mail:

  • Ph D, Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute Technology
  • Fundamentals investigation of battery materials
  • Thermal and safety study of battery system
  • Energy storage system development and characterization

Carmen M. Lό‏pez Rivera, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-5995, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, Purdue University
  • Interfacial properties of lithium anodes
  • Morphology-property relationships in micro- and nano-materials for advanced battery applications
  • Non-aqueous electrochemistry / electrodeposition

Electrochemical Analysis and Diagnostics Laboratory

Ira Bloom, Inorganic Chemist and Manager/Group Leader
phone 630/252-4516, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, University of Chicago
  • Battery and fuel cell evaluation and testing

John K. Basco, Engineering Specialist Sr.
phone: 630/252-7627, fax: 630/252-4418, e-mail:

  • Testing and evaluation of advanced battery systems
  • Testing and evaluation of advanced hydrogen fuel cell systems

Joseph E. Kulaga, Computer Scientist
phone: 630/252-4327, fax: 630/972-4464, e-mail:

  • MS, Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • BS, Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Data acquisition / process control software development

Panos D. Prezas, Engineering Specialist
phone: 630/252-3360, fax: 630/972-4422, e-mail:

  • BS, Electrical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Battery and fuel cell analysis for HEV/PHEV applications
  • Communication, control and power electronics systems

Lee K. Walker, Electrical Engineer
phone: 630/252-4235, fax: 630/252-4672, e-mail:

  • BS, Electrical Engineering, Northern Illinois University
  • Set up and administer tests for batteries and fuel cells, calibrate and troubleshoot test equipment, and design test equipment for specific needs

Mailing Address for Electrochemical Energy Storage Staff

Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division
Argonne National Laboratory, Bldg. 205
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL  60439  USA

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Research and Development


Contact Information

U.S. Department of Energy The University of Chicago Office of Science - Department of Energy
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