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National Conventions

The Democratic and Republican National Conventions serve to help jump start the general election campaign for the presidential candidates.

Election 2008
Election of the President and Vice President: General Election
Kids Pick the President

An illustration of a red donkey and a blue elephant.

Government Sites

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government (Grades 6-8) - (Government Printing Office) - Take a journey with Benjamin Franklin and learn all about our government.

Branches of Government - Because of the colonies’ experience under the British monarchy, the delegates wanted to avoid giving any one person or group absolute control in government, so they created the branches of the government. Learn more about these branches.

Contact Your State Governor - - This page has links to contact state governors. Click on your state and send a message to your governor.

Courtroom Staff - United States court rooms may vary the seating locations of where the jury box is located; where the the law clerks and court reporters sit; and even where the public seating area (called the "gallery") is placed; but the basic layout of a court room always contains the same elements.

Enactment of a Law - Library of Congress site about the steps to enact a law in the U.S. Government.

How Laws Are Made - Laws may be initiated in either chamber of Congress, the House of Representatives or the Senate. Learn how the process works.

Inside the Courtroom - (U.S. Attorneys' Office) - Check out a Federal Courtroom; learn what Judges and Federal Prosecutors do.

Join the Signers! - At this site, you have the opportunity to explore the legacy of our Founding Fathers through special features, exhibits, classroom activities, and more.

Judicial Branch - Ben's Guide - (Government Printing Office) - The judicial branch of government is established in Article III of the Constitution with the creation of the Supreme Court. This court is the highest court in the country and is empowered with the judicial powers of the government.

Kids in the House - Explore the role the Office of the Clerk plays in the U.S. House of Representatives. Learn about the legislative process and its effect on you.

National versus State Government - (Government Printing Office) - Following the Revolutionary War, the 13 colonies basically governed themselves. It was soon discovered that this weak form of state government could not survive and so the Constitution was drafted. Learn more.

State Legislatures - This site contains information from the home pages and websites of the fifty state legislatures, the District of Columbia and the Territories.

Supreme Court - Ben's Guide - (Government Printing Office) - The Supreme Court, part of the judicial branch, was established in the Constitution as the highest court in the nation. The Supreme Court’s most important responsibility is to decide cases that raise questions of constitutional interpretation.

U.S. Senate - State Information List - On this site, choose a state to see a listing of that state's former Senators as well as interesting facts about its relationship to the U.S. Senate.

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Other Resources

Laws and Rights - FactMonster - Learn about America's legal system, citizens' rights and responsibilities.

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Page Revised - 6/30/2008

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.