OMI readme file
Maps and Data
Welcome to the official Website for information,
data, and images from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)
on Aura and the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS)
instruments using Version 8 of
the TOMS processing algorithm. To navigate the site, you may select
a topic from the menu at the left. You may select by Product (ozone,
aerosol, reflectivity, or erythemal UV) or by Spacecraft (Nimbus-7:
1978-1993, Meteor-3: 1992-1994, or Earth Probe: 1996-2005).
Check out the
new OzoneWatch
Web Page web page for additional information on the
ozone hole.
You can keep track of the Southern Hemisphere ozone hole up through 2008
on our
Ozone Hole Monitoring page.
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