January 3, 2008 Space Weather Prediction Center USAF Magnetometer Analysis Report The U.S. Air Force (USAF) issues Hourly and 24-Hour (daily) reports containing geomagnetic A and K indices and maxiumum gamma deflections. The Space Weather Prediction Center makes these reports available on the internet via FTP and the World Wide Web. See sample and description below. SWPC updates the files as they are received, usually between 20 and 30 minutes past the hour. The most recent messages are available here and in the "Latest Solar-Geophysical Data" directory (/pub/latest/). There are hourly and daily messages in the files MAhr.txt and MAda.txt are taken from USAF messages with the headers AXXX51 KHMN and AXXX52 KHMN In this directory: o the most recent messages (MAhr.txt, MAda.txt) o the last 48 hourly messages (oldMAhr.txt) o the last 7 daily messages (oldMAda.txt) Available: via SWPC Anonymous FTP server ftp.swpc.noaa.gov /pub/latest/MAda.txt --- most recent report /pub/latest/MAhr.txt --- most recent report /pub/forecasts/MA --- last Hourly, last Daily, last 48 Hourly, last 7 Daily via SWPC Web site: http://swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/MAda.txt http://swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/MAhr.txt http://swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/forecasts/MA.html *************************************************************** ** Please read the SWPC Disclaimer at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ ** before using the forecasts and data in these reports. *************************************************************** SWPC provides near-real-time and recent data, solar and geomagnetic indices and solar event reports created from preliminary reports. Preliminary data may contain errors or be revised after further review. The historical products in this SWPC Warehouse are the preliminary reports as originally published. SWPC does not encourage the use of preliminary data for research purposes. Links to archive sites with final data: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/Data/ ****************************************************************** Please send comments and questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov Report problems to SWPC.CustomerSupport@noaa.gov ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Product Description From Air Force Catalog 15-152, Volume 5, 7 November 1994 Hourly Magnetometer Analysis Report -- MAhr.txt 2.15.1. Description. This bulletin describes the geomagnetic field's current state and summarizes geomagnetic indices observed during the previous seven hours. It contains local 60-minute variations in the geomagnetic field (maximum gamma deflections and corresponding 1-hour K-indices) reported by the listed US Geological Survey (USGS) magnetometer sites. (NOTE: The USGS stations have a temporal resolution of one-minute.) The bulletin also lists several indices derived from these local variations: the 3-hour ap (and corresponding 3-hour Kp) index, as well as the 12 and 24-hour running mean of the Ap index. Compatibility with world-standard Goettingen, Germany, indices is achieved by computing values at the synoptic hours (03Z, 06Z, 09Z, ..., and 24Z). The indices computed between the synoptic hours are estimates (or projections) of what the indices will be at the next synoptic hour. 2.15.2. Transmission Times. No later than 0030Z, plus every 60 minutes. 2.15.3. Format (see Figure 2.15.). Computer generated plain language bulletin. An asterisk indicates missing data. ************************************************************** SAMPLE ************************************************************** :Product: Hourly Magnetometer Analysis Reports MAhr.txt :Issued: 2008 Jan 03 2124 UT # Prepared by the U.S. Air Force. # Retransmitted by the Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Please send comments and suggestions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov # # # USAF Hourly Magnetometer Analysis Report #----------------------------------------------------------------- MAGNETOMETER ANALYSIS FOR 03/2100 HOURLY MAX GAMMA DEFLECTIONS/K INDICES 12-15 13-16 14-17 15-18 16-19 17-20 18-21 MEANOOK 10/0 10/0 12/0 9/0 9/0 7/0 8/0 SITKA 4/0 4/0 4/0 5/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 OTTAWA 12/0 12/0 17/1 14/0 13/1 9/0 12/0 SAINT JOHNS 11/0 10/0 8/0 7/0 9/0 8/0 6/0 NEWPORT 4/0 4/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 7/0 9/0 FREDERICKSBURG 11/0 10/0 14/0 20/2 17/1 16/1 18/1 BOULDER 5/0 7/0 8/0 10/0 8/0 9/0 12/0 HARTLAND 9/0 7/0 6/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 FRESNO 5/0 7/0 6/0 10/0 12/0 11/0 11/0 12-15 13-16 14-17 15-18 16-19 17-20 18-21 3-HOUR AP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-HOUR KP 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 12-HOUR AP ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 24-HOUR AP 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 #SYNOPTIC VALUE ESTIMATED FROM AVAILABLE DATA 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 1-HOUR KP ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 12-15 13-16 14-17 15-18 16-19 17-20 18-21 RUN 3-HOUR AP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RUN 3-HOUR KP 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 99999 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Daily Magnetometer Analysis Report -- MAda.txt 2.16.1. Description. This bulletin contains a summary of geomagnetic field conditions observed during the previous 24 hours. The bulletin contains local 3-hour variations in the geomagnetic field (gamma deflections and 3-hour K-indices) at synoptic hours (03Z, 06Z, 09Z, ..., and 24Z). Although this bulletin basically summarizes data previously reported in the day's HMUS1 KSFC bulletins, the values listed are final values in the sense that missing, late, or corrected data have been included. 2.16.2. Transmission Times. Once daily near 0115Z via AUTODIN and the AWN. 2.16.3. Format (see Figure 2.16.). Computer generated plain language bulletin. An asterisk indicates missing data. ************************************************************* SAMPLE ************************************************************* :Product: Daily Magnetometer Analysis Reports MAda.txt :Issued: 2008 Jan 03 0024 UT # Prepared by the U.S. Air Force. # Retransmitted by the Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Please send comments and suggestions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov # # # USAF Daily Magnetometer Analysis Report #----------------------------------------------------------------- MAGNETOMETER ANALYSIS FOR 02 JAN 08 24 HOUR SUMMARY OF 3-HOURLY MAX GAMMA DEFLECTIONS/K INDICES 00-03 03-06 06-09 09-12 12-15 15-18 18-21 21-00 MEANOOK 6/0 4/0 5/0 11/0 13/0 14/0 13/0 14/0 SITKA 6/0 5/0 6/0 14/0 9/0 14/0 12/0 10/0 OTTAWA 5/0 4/0 5/0 4/0 13/0 16/1 11/0 6/0 SAINT JOHNS 4/0 4/0 6/0 3/0 10/0 12/0 7/0 5/0 NEWPORT 4/0 5/0 3/0 8/0 7/0 9/0 7/0 9/0 FREDERICKSBU 4/0 3/0 5/0 4/0 10/0 13/0 7/0 5/0 BOULDER 4/0 4/0 3/0 5/0 5/0 9/0 14/0 11/1 HARTLAND 6/0 5/0 6/0 8/0 7/0 9/0 8/0 5/0 FRESNO 4/0 4/0 3/0 5/0 5/0 9/0 12/0 13/1 3-HOUR AP 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 3-HOUR KP 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z 0P 0P 0P 0P 24-HOUR AP 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 99999