GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) SECOND QUARTER 2008 This table shows advance quarterly estimates of GDP and its major expenditure components along with the key source data and assumptions used by BEA in preparing the estimates. (GDP estimates are identified by the entry of "NIPA" as the source agency.) The table also shows the source agency and the source of seasonal adjustment. In a few instances, series are derived by BEA by a major reworking of the source data. For these series, both the source agency and BEA are identified as the source agency. Monthly NIPA estimates are shown for some components. Assumptions for missing source data are indicated by an octothorp (#). Estimates that are subject to revision by a source agency are identified by an asterisk (*). GDP and components, including the series shown on each numbered line, are at annual rates. For other series, the units in which the source data are shown generally correspond to those used by the source agency. For the most recent quarter, individual GDP components are calculated using the quarterly change in the latest available source data, after making adjustments to convert the source data to NIPA concepts. Note that the change in private inventories is calculated using the latest change in the change in inventories. For more information, or to provide comments or suggestions, write to the National Income and Wealth Division (BE-54), Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230 or call (202) 606-9700. Abbreviations AGA - American Gas Association API - American Petroleum Institute BEA - Bureau of Economic Analysis BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics Census - Census Bureau CPI - Consumer Price Index - All urban consumers DOD - Department of Defense DT - Department of Treasury EIA - Energy Information Administration IBTS - Institute for Building Technology & Safety JD Power - J.D. Power and Associates, Power Information Network NIPA - National income and product accounts Polk - R. L. Polk & Company PPI - Producer Price Index SEC -Securities and Exchange Commission Ward's -Ward's Automotive Reports Table 1.--Key Source Data and Assumptions for the Quarterly Current-Dollar Estimates of the Gross Domestic Product [In billions of dollars, seasonally adjusted, except where noted] Source for Source Seasonal 2007QIV January February March 2008 QI April May June 2008 QII Agency Adjustment GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT.............................. 14,031.2 .... .... .... 14,150.8 .... .... .... 14,256.5 NIPA .... Personal consumption expenditures........................ 9,892.7 9,984.6 9,982.7 10,039.7 10,002.3 10,074.3 10,150.8 10,207.9 10,144.3 NIPA .... 1. Domestic new autos.......................................... 58.8 58.9 56.6 54.7 56.7 56.5 64.7 61.8 61.0 NIPA .... Retail sales (millions of units at annual rate).................................................. 5.4 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.3 4.9 5.0 Ward's BEA Average unit value (dollars).......................................................... 20,269.0 20,307.0 20,417.0 20,608.0 20,443.0 20,450.0 19,869.0 20,495.0* 20,262.0*JD Power BEA Consumer share of new auto purchases (percent).................................. 57.7 59.3 58.2 57.4 58.3 59.0 62.4 62.5# 61.3#Polk-BEA BEA 2. Imported new autos 44.4 41.1 43.4 45.4 43.3 45.3 45.3 46.3 45.6 NIPA .... Retail sales (millions of units at annual rate)................................................. 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.6 Ward's BEA Average unit value (dollars).......................................................... 29,762.0 28,933.0 29,249.0 28,243.0 28,791.0 28,165.0 27,400.0 27,490.0* 27,679.0*JD Power BEA Consumer share of new auto purchases (percent).................................. 57.7 59.3 58.2 57.4 58.3 59.0 62.4 62.5# 61.3#Polk-BEA BEA 3. Light trucks, new and used....................................... 199.3 191.4 191.5 182.2 188.4 172.2 161.5 156.9 163.5 NIPA .... Retail sales (millions of units at annual rate)................................................. 8.3 8.0 7.9 7.5 7.8 7.0 6.3 6.1 6.5 Ward's BEA Average unit value (dollars).......................................................... 28,997.0 28,815.0 28,707.0 28,664.0 28,730.0 28,386.0 27,922.0 28,196.0* 28,175.0*JD Power BEA Consumer share of new light truck purchases (percent)................................. 55.9 54.9 54.8 54.6 54.7 55.2 57.6 57.1# 56.5#Polk-BEA BEA 4. Used Autos...................................................... 55.6 56.6 58.1 55.8 56.9 54.1 52.7 53.0 53.2 NIPA .... 5. Gasoline and oil................................................ 376.7 399.6 375.8 405.0 393.4 385.6 407.8 452.9 415.4 NIPA .... Motor gasoline supplied (millions of barrels per day)........................................ 9.3 9.2 8.8 9.4 9.1 9.1 9.1* 9.2* 9.2*EIA BEA CPI, motor fuel (1982-84=100)................................................. 265.3 283.0 277.4 282.0 280.8 276.6 292.2 321.6 296.8 BLS BLS 6. Other goods..................................................... 3,254.4 3,271.8 3,285.2 3,292.3 3,283.1 3,340.0 3,359.1 3,344.2 3,347.8 NIPA .... Retail and food services sales less automobile and other motor vehicle dealers, and building materials, and garden equipment, and supplies dealers (millions of dollars)................................ 842,721.0 283,556.0 283,039.0 285,637.0 852,232.0 288,095.0 291,147.0* 293,985.0* 873,227.0*Census Census 7. Housing services............................................... 1,482.7 1,492.3 1,493.3 1,499.9 1,495.1 1,505.7 1,507.4 1,513.5 1,508.8 NIPA .... Housing stock.................................................. 110.8 111.0 111.0 111.1 111.0 111.1 111.2* 111.2* 111.2*BEA .... CPI, rent of primary residence (1982-84=100)................................................. 238.0 239.7 240.2 240.8 240.2 241.5 241.9 242.8 242.1 BLS BLS 8. Electricity......................................................... 158.5 166.0 160.0 161.0 162.3 162.3 167.6 172.5 167.5 NIPA .... Sales of electricity to ultimate residential customers (millions of dollars)............ 413.0 144.2 139.1 139.9 423.2 141.1# 145.6# 149.9# 436.5#EIA BEA CPI, electricity (1982-84=100).......................... 179.4 179.7 179.1 180.5 179.8 183.2 184.8 184.7 184.3 BLS BLS 9. Natural gas....................................................... 62.6 64.8 67.0 65.5 65.7 70.9 80.1 81.3 77.5 NIPA .... Sales of gas to ultimate residential customers (millions of dollars)............ 18,849.7 6,501.9 6,724.6 6,568.4 19,794.9 7,117.8# 8,043.1# 8,160.2# 23,321.1#EIA BEA CPI, utility natural gas (1982-84=100)........................................... 214.1 210.1 225.2 235.7 223.7 247.0 260.9 273.8 260.6 BLS BLS 10. Telephone........................................................ 144.9 144.0 142.8 142.8 143.2 143.9 144.9 146.1 145.0 NIPA .... Local service revenues (millions of dollars).......... 14,577.0 4,811.6 4,794.7 4,808.7 14,415.0 4,856.3* 4,880.7* 4,902.4* 14,639.4*SEC BEA 11. Other services.................................................. 4,054.9 4,098.3 4,109.0 4,135.1 4,114.1 4,137.7 4,159.8 4,179.4 4,159.0 NIPA .... Gross private domestic investment.......................... 2,092.3 .... .... .... 2,056.1 .... .... .... 1,979.9 NIPA .... Fixed investment.................................................. 2,113.4 .... .... .... 2,081.7 .... .... .... 2,074.9 NIPA .... Nonresidential...................................................... 1,542.1 .... .... .... 1,553.6 .... .... .... 1,571.5 NIPA .... Structures.......................................................... 508.7 .... .... .... 522.7 .... .... .... 545.4 NIPA .... 12. Commercial and healthcare, manufacturing, power and communication, and other structures…………………………………………. 388.2 .... .... .... 397.1 .... .... .... 408.9 NIPA .... Value of new nonresidential construction put in place (annual rate)............................... 385.0 389.7 391.6 398.0 393.1 404.3* 405.3* 404.8# 404.8#Census Census NOTE.-Other structures excludes brokers' commissions and net purchases of used structures. 13. Oil and gas well drilling and exploration............................................. 115.1 .... .... .... 120.5 .... .... .... 131.5 NIPA .... Drilling footage (millions of feet)........................ 78.7 .... .... .... 83.9 .... .... .... 89.9*API BEA Cost per foot (dollars)..................................... 340.1 .... .... .... 341.8 .... .... .... 347.4*BEA BEA 14. Other........................................................... 5.5 .... .... .... 5.1 .... .... .... 5.0 NIPA .... Equipment and software...................................... 1,033.4 .... .... .... 1,030.9 .... .... .... 1,026.1 NIPA .... 15. Motor vehicles............................................... 122.4 .... .... .... 113.5 .... .... .... 89.8 NIPA .... Retail sales - see personal consumption expenditures, items 1 through 3. Average unit value - see personal consumption expenditures, items 1 through 3. Business share of new motor vehicle purchases (percent): Autos......................................................... 40.3 38.8 40.0 41.0 39.9 39.6 36.2 35.9# 37.2#Polk-BEA BEA Light trucks........................................................ 42.0 42.6 43.1 43.1 42.9 42.9 40.2 40.6# 41.3#Polk-BEA BEA 16. Aircraft......................................................... 19.4 .... .... .... 22.2 .... .... .... 24.1 NIPA .... Manufacturers' shipments of complete aircraft (millions of dollars)................ 11,445.0 4,352.0 3,109.0 3,248.0 10,709.0 3,465.0 3,854.0* 3,552.0# 10,871.0#Census BEA Seasonal adjustment factor .... 67.4 106.1 123.0 .... 96.4 96.9 117.5 .... 17. Other............................................................ 891.7 .... .... .... 895.2 .... .... .... 912.2 NIPA .... Manufacturers' shipments of nondefense capital goods other than aircraft (millions of dollars)....................... 187,557.0 62,834.0 62,023.0 62,500.0 187,357.0 63,121.0 63,251.0* 63,704.0* 190,076.0*Census Census NOTE.-NIPA purchases of equipment and software and the Census shipments series differ primarily because the NIPA series covers only business purchases on capital account, including purchases of imported equipment. The Census series includes some current-account purchases, mainly parts; includes purchases by government, rest of the world, and persons; and excludes imported equipment. Residential.......................................................... 571.3 .... .... .... 528.1 .... .... .... 503.4 NIPA .... 18. Permanent site.............................................. 304.2 .... .... .... 263.4 .... .... .... 240.9 NIPA .... Value of new residential construction put in place (annual rate)................................ 305.0 277.2 258.8 256.4 264.1 248.2* 241.4* 234.9# 241.5#Census Census Single family structures........................................... 260.5 233.9 214.9 212.3 220.3 204.1* 197.2* 190.7# 197.3#Census Census Multifamily structures............................... 44.4 43.3 43.9 44.1 43.8 44.1* 44.2* 44.2# 44.2#Census Census 1-unit structures started (thousands at annual rate)............................... 826.0 750.0 722.0 711.0 728.0 681.0 683.0 647.0* 670.0*Census Census NOTE.-The value of single family structures put in place is estimated by Census using data on the number of 1-unit structures started in the current and earlier months; the value of multifamily structures put in place is directly measured. 19. Manufactured homes...................................... 5.9 .... .... .... 5.8 .... .... .... 5.5 NIPA .... Manufacturers' shipments (thousands of units at annual rate)................... 92.6 96.9 99.3 89.1 95.1 97.2 87.6 81.7# 88.8#IBTS BEA 20. Other............................................................ 261.2 .... .... .... 258.8 .... .... .... 257.0 NIPA .... Change in private inventories................................. -21.1 .... .... .... -25.6 .... .... .... -95.0 NIPA .... Farm.................................................................... 5.7 .... .... .... 0.2 .... .... .... -5.1 NIPA .... Construction, mining, and utilities........................... -7.7 .... .... .... -15.4 .... .... .... -18.3 NIPA .... 21. Manufacturing and trade (excludes nonmerchant wholesalers).............................. -17.2 79.9 -8.1 -86.2 -4.8 -59.4 -66.8 -15.8 -47.3 NIPA .... Manufacturing................................................... 3.0 49.2 -3.1 8.2 18.1 -63.7 -41.7 -39.1 -48.2 NIPA .... Merchant wholesalers....................................... 2.2 21.1 14.9 -42.4 -2.1 27.4 2.6 7.5 12.5 NIPA .... Retail............................................................... -22.4 9.6 -19.9 -52.0 -20.8 -23.1 -27.8 15.7 -11.7 NIPA .... Motor vehicle dealers....................................... -26.6 2.8 -10.7 -23.3 -10.4 -36.3 -10.9 5.2 -14.0 NIPA .... Other retail....................................................... 4.2 6.8 -9.2 -28.8 -10.4 13.2 -16.9 10.5 2.3 NIPA .... Nonmerchant wholesalers.................................... -4.2 .... .... .... -5.9 .... .... .... -20.3 NIPA .... Other industries................................................... 2.3 .... .... .... 0.3 .... .... .... -3.9 NIPA .... Change in inventories (at monthly and quarterly rates): Manufacturing and trade............................................... 15.8 14.1 6.5 3.0 23.6 6.8 5.3* 10.2# 22.3#Census Census Manufacturing............................................................ 8.7 6.8 3.2 5.1 15.1 -0.2 3.0* 3.7# 6.5#Census Census Durable goods…………………………………….......... 6.1 1.6 1.5 3.2 6.3 1.9 1.6* 1.8* 5.2*Census Census Nondurable goods............................................ 2.5 5.2 1.7 1.9 8.8 -2.0 1.5* 1.9# 1.4#Census Census Merchant wholesalers....................................... 7.1 5.2 3.9 0.6 9.7 5.9 3.4* 3.7# 13.0#Census Census Motor vehicle & motor vehicle parts & supplies..... 1.3 0.0 0.5 -0.5 0.0 1.1 0.0* 0.5# 1.6#Census Census Other wholesalers............................................ 5.8 5.2 3.5 1.1 9.8 4.7 3.4* 3.3# 11.3#Census Census Retail............................................................... 0.0 2.1 -0.6 -2.8 -1.2 1.1 -1.1* 2.8# 2.8#Census Census Motor vehicle and parts dealers......................... -3.2 0.8 0.2 -1.3 -0.3 -0.9 -0.9* 0.5# -1.3#Census Census Other retail....................................................... 3.2 1.3 -0.8 -1.4 -0.9 1.9 -0.2* 2.3# 4.1#Census Census NOTE-NIPA estimates of change in inventories for retail motor vehicle dealers are primarily based on trade source data on units produced and sold. 22. Inventory valuation adjustment: Manufacturing and trade................................... -67.9 -77.9 -93.9 -109.6 -93.8 -114.7 -131.3 -138.3 -128.1 NIPA .... PPI, farm products (2000=100).......................... 133.9 139.0 140.8 142.0 140.6 141.3* 143.6* 147.0* 144.0*BLS BEA PPI, petroleum products (2000=100).................. 273.0 299.9 305.6 320.0 308.5 315.2* 336.0* 369.5* 340.2*BLS BEA PPI, industrial commodities (2000=100)............. 133.4 135.6 137.0 141.4 138.0 143.7* 148.3* 151.5* 147.9*BLS BEA Refiners' crude oil acquisition cost (2000=100).............................. 308.8 327.5 335.5 351.1 338.0 372.9 405.8# 426.3# 401.7#EIA BEA 23. Unit change in motor vehicle inventories (millions of units): Autos...................................................................... -0.4 0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.5 -0.4# -0.3#Ward's-BEA .... Light trucks................................................................ -0.5 0.4 0.2 -1.5 -0.3 0.2 -0.1 0.2# 0.1#Ward's-BEA BEA Net exports of goods and services................................ -696.7 .... .... .... -705.7 .... .... .... -737.3 NIPA .... Exports............................................................... 1,759.7 .... .... .... 1,820.8 .... .... .... 1,907.5 NIPA .... 24. Goods............................................................ 1,213.7 .... .... .... 1,256.9 .... .... .... 1,328.9 NIPA .... U.S. exports of goods, international-transactions-accounts basis (annual rate)................................................... 1,212.7 1,256.2 1,297.2 1,260.4 1,271.3 1,320.7 1,330.0* 1,334.2# 1,328.3#Census-BEA Census-BEA Agricultural goods........................................... 102.6 111.1 118.3 124.1 117.8 128.8 125.5* 130.3# 128.2#Census-BEA Census-BEA Nonagricultural goods...................................... 1,110.1 1,145.1 1,178.9 1,136.3 1,153.4 1,191.9 1,204.5* 1,204.0# 1,200.1#Census-BEA Census-BEA Of which: Capital goods, except automotive....… 468.8 472.5 472.0 454.0 466.2 481.3 473.7* 472.2# 475.8#Census-BEA Census-BEA 25. Services......................................................... 546.0 .... .... .... 563.9 .... .... .... 578.6 NIPA .... Imports................................................................ 2,456.5 .... .... .... 2,526.5 .... .... .... 2,644.8 NIPA .... 26. Goods............................................................ 2,060.9 .... .... .... 2,118.0 .... .... .... 2,229.8 NIPA .... U.S. imports of goods, international-transactions-accounts basis (annual rate)................................................... 2,048.4 2,098.0 2,167.0 2,081.2 2,115.4 2,196.1 2,199.8* 2,245.3# 2,213.7#Census-BEA Census-BEA Petroleum and products.................................. 396.1 471.1 454.6 420.3 448.7 474.6 466.6* 525.9# 489.0#Census-BEA Census-BEA Nonpetroleum goods....................................... 1,652.3 1,626.9 1,712.4 1,660.9 1,666.7 1,721.6 1,733.1* 1,719.5# 1,724.7#Census-BEA Census-BEA Of which: Capital goods, except automotive....… 453.1 449.4 459.3 454.6 454.4 469.4 478.0* 470.4# 472.6#Census-BEA Census-BEA 27. Services......................................................... 395.6 .... .... .... 408.5 .... .... .... 414.9 NIPA .... Government consumption expenditures and gross investment.................................................. 2,742.9 .... .... .... 2,798.1 .... .... .... 2,869.6 NIPA .... Federal................................................................. 998.3 .... .... .... 1,026.5 .... .... .... 1,056.0 NIPA .... 28. National defense.............................................. 679.3 .... .... .... 699.9 .... .... .... 722.8 NIPA .... DOD military outlays (not seasonally adjusted)....................................... 156.4 44.3 48.2 44.5 137.0 49.0 51.3 45.9 146.1*DT .... NOTE.-NIPA national defense consumption expenditures and gross investment differs from DOD military outlays from the Monthly Treasury Statement primarily because of coverage and timing. The DOD series does not cover defense atomic energy-related expenditures by the Department of Energy or consumption of general government fixed capital; the NIPA series covers these expenditures. The DOD series records all transactions on a checks-issued basis; the NIPA series outlays reflect equipment gross investment on a delivery basis and compensation on an accrual basis. The NIPA series are also adjusted to remove seasonal variation. 29. Nondefense.................................................... 319.0 .... .... .... 326.6 .... .... .... 333.2 NIPA .... Outlays other than DOD military (not seasonally adjusted)................................. 556.6 193.1 233.1 182.5 608.7 195.5 238.9 163.3 597.7 DT .... NOTE.-NIPA nondefense consumption expenditures and gross investment differs from outlays other than DOD from the Monthly Treasury Statement primarily because of coverage. The outlays series covers expenditures-- outlays for goods, services, and structures from business and rest of the world and compensation of Federal Government employees--as well as government social benefits, grants-in-aid to state and local governments, other current transfer payments to the rest of the world, interest paid, and subsidies. They also cover defense atomic energy-related expenditures by the Department of Energy, which are classified as NIPA national defense consumption expenditures. The outlays series does not include consumption of general government fixed capital and the NIPA series does. The NIPA series are also adjusted to remove seasonal variation. State and local..................................................... 1,744.6 .... .... .... 1,771.6 .... .... .... 1,813.6 NIPA .... Consumption expenditures................................... 1,395.2 .... .... .... 1,426.3 .... .... .... 1,461.9 NIPA .... 30. Compensation of general government employees................……………………………. 982.8 .... .... .... 993.3 .... .... .... 1,004.6 NIPA .... Employment (thousands)............................... 19,562.5 19,618.6 19,637.2 19,650.2 19,635.3 19,667.0 19,689.5* 19,713.3* 19,689.9*BLS BLS Employment cost index (December 2005 = 100)........................................... .... .... .... 107.7 .... .... .... 108.7 .... BLS .... NOTE-Employment cost index for wages and salaries is published for the months of March, June, September, and December. Gross investment................................................. 349.4 .... .... .... 345.3 .... .... .... 351.6 NIPA .... 31. Structures..................................................... 290.0 .... .... .... 285.2 .... .... .... 290.8 NIPA .... Value of new construction put in place (annual rate)................................ 276.9 268.5 269.4 278.6 272.2 276.9* 278.4* 277.7# 277.7#Census Census 32. Equipment..................................................... 59.4 .... .... .... 60.1 .... .... .... 60.8 NIPA .... # Assumptions for missing source data. * Estimate subject to revision.