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CD-ROM and Videocassette
Product Descriptions



Clouds and the Earth's Radiance Energy System (CERES) Data Sampler

The CERES data products are designed to provide the most accurate possible estimates of solar and thermal infrared radiative fluxes at the top of the atmosphere, at the surface of the Earth, and at several levels within the atmosphere. Key surface and atmospheric parameters that affect the radiative energy are included in the products (e.g., cloud properties, aerosols, water vapor, surface temperature, surface wind speed) to facilitate studies of water vapor, aerosol, and cloud feedback in the climate system.

The data on this 5-volume CD set contain:

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Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)

The goals of ERBE are:
  1. to understand the radiation balance between the Sun, Earth, atmosphere and space which drives our weather and climate system
  2. to establish an accurate, long-term baseline data set for studying climate system changes

ERBE data are fundamental to the development of realistic climate models and for studying natural and anthropogenic perturbations of the climate system.

This CD-ROM contains data and color images from scanning radiometers on the three ERBE satellites and for combined satellite cases. Monthly average values are included for the time periods during which the scanners were operational.

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First ISCCP Regional Experiment Arctic Cloud Experiment (FIRE.ACE)

This 2 CD-ROM set contains cloud microphysics data obtained from the Canadian CV-580 aircraft during the FIRE.ACE field campaign. It also includes TableMaker software to extract specific parameters and documentation. Data were obtained from 18 flights that took place over Northern Alaska and the adjacent Arctic ice sheet for the period April 8 - 29, 1998.

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Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE)

GTE is a major component of the NASA Tropospheric Chemistry Program. GTE consists of a series of airborne field experiments designed to (1) evaluate the capability of instrument techniques to measure, under field conditions, the minute concentrations of key chemical species in the atmosphere and (2) systematically address tropospheric chemistry issues relevant to global change, through airborne sampling expeditions, coupled with modeling and laboratory studies.

Pacific Exploratory Mission (PEM) in the West A&B

September-October 1991 and January-March 1994: East Asia and North Pacific

This two volume CD-ROM set contains the data archive from the NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission in the northwestern Pacific region, phases A & B (PEM-West A & B) and the East Asia/North Pacific Regional Study (APARE).These CD-ROMS are organized and presented using HTML, and can be navigated using a standard browser such as Explorer or Netscape with Javascript enabled. While each CD contains descriptive, and in some cases duplicate information on each field mission, Volume I focuses on the data archive for PEM-West A and the concurrent APARE mission, and Volume II focuses on the data archive for PEM-West B and the concurrent APARE mission.

The data on these CD-ROMS consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the DC-8 aircraft; in situ measurements collected onboard the NIES aircraft; radiosonde and ozonesonde balloon soundings; satellite images with navigated DC-8 flight tracks; calculations of air parcel back trajectories and meteorological parameters along the DC-8 flight paths; data files of DC-8 in situ measurements merged to several common time bases; and ground based in situ measurements from the PEM-West, PEACAMPOT and CATS programs as well as ground based mesurements from stations sponsored by the Peoples Republic of China.

Pacific Exploratory Mission (PEM) in the Tropics

August-September 1996: Pacific Ocean islands

The Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission in the Tropics (PEM-Tropics A) was conducted in August-September 1996. The mission involved the NASA DC-8, with flights originating from Papeete, Tahiti; Easter Island; Christchurch, New Zealand; and Nadi, Fiji, and the P-3B aircraft, with flights originating from Christmas Island; Papeete, Tahiti; Easter Island, and Guayaquil, Ecuador. The data on this CD-ROM consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the DC-8 aircraft; in situ measurements collected aboard the P-3B aircraft; radiosonde and ozonesonde balloon soundings; satellite images with the DC-8 or P-3B flight track; fire count data for Africa and Australia; calculations of air parcel back trajectories and meteorological parameters along the DC-8 and P-3B flight paths; and data files of DC-8 and P-3B in situ measurements merged to several common time bases.

Pacific Exploratory Mission (PEM) in the Tropics

March-April 1999: Pacific Ocean islands

This CD-ROM contains data from Phase B of the Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission in the Tropics (PEM-Tropics B) conducted in March-April 1999. The mission involved the NASA DC-8, with flights originating from Hawaii, Papeete, Tahiti, Easter Island, and Nadi, Fiji, and the P-3B aircraft, with flights originating from Christmas Island and Papeete, Tahiti. The data on this CD-ROM consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the DC-8 aircraft; in situ measurements collected aboard the P-3B aircraft; ozonesonde soundings; satellite images with the DC-8 or P-3B flight tracks; lightning strikes data over the Pacific ocean region; calculations of air parcel back trajectories and meteorological parameters associated with air mass encountered along the DC-8 and P-3B flight paths; and data files of DC-8 and P-3B in situ measurements merged to several common time bases.

Transport and Atmospheric Chemisty near the Equator - Atlantic

September - October 1992: Brazil and Africa

This CD-ROM contains data from the Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry near the Equator in the Atlantic (TRACE-A) conducted in September - October 1992. TRACE-A was conducted to provide a comprehensive investigation of the chemical composition, transport, and chemistry of the atmosphere over the tropical South Atlantic Ocean and the adjacent South American and African continents, and was coordinated with the Southern African Fire-Atmosphere Research Initiative (SAFARI).

The TRACE-A mission involved the NASA DC-8, with flights originating from Brasilia, Brazil, Johannesburg, South Africa, Windhoek, Namibia, and Ascension Island, and two Brazilian aircraft operating from sites within Brazil. The data on this CD-ROM consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the DC-8 and Brazilian aircraft; radiosonde and ozonesonde soundings; satellite images; fire count data for Brazil and Africa; calculations of air parcel back trajectories and meteorological parameters along the DC-8 flight paths; and data files of DC-8 in situ measurements merged to several common time bases.

Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific

February-April 2001: Hong Kong and Tokyo

This two volume CD-ROM set contains data from the Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) Mission in the conducted in February-April 2001. The mission involved the NASA DC-8 and P-3B, with flights originating from Hong Kong and at Yokota Air Force Base (AFB) near Tokyo. TRACE-P was organized around two objectives. The first was "to determine the chemical composition of the Asian outflow over the western Pacific in spring in order to understand and quantify the export of chemically and radiatively important gases and aerosols, and their precursors, from the Asian continent". The second objective of TRACE-P was "to determine the chemical evolution of the Asian outflow over the western Pacific in spring and to understand the ensemble of processes that control this evolution". The data on this CD-ROM consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the DC-8 aircraft; in situ measurements collected aboard the P-3B aircraft; ozonesonde soundings; satellite images with the DC-8 or P-3B flight tracks; lighting strike data over the Pacific ocean region; calculations of air parcel back trajectories and meteorological parameters associated with air mass encountered along the DC-8 and P-3B flight paths; and data files of DC-8 and P-3B in situ measurements merged to several common time bases.

Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment and Arctic Boundary Layer Experiment

July-August 1985 and April-May 1997: Amazon
July-August 1988 and July-August 1990: Arctic

This CD-ROM contains data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment (ABLE 2) and the Arctic Boundary Layer Experiment (ABLE 3). The ABLE 2 section of this CD describes and contains data obtained during phase A of ABLE 2 (ABLE 2A) conducted in July-August 1985, and phase B (ABLE 2B), conducted in April-May 1997. Both phases of ABLE 2 were conducted jointly with the Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), the Brazilian Space Agency. The ABLE 2A mission involved the NASA Electra aircraft, with flights originating from Manaus, Brazil and an instrumented ground site in the Ducke Forest Reserve near Manaus. The ABLE 2B mission also involved the NASA Electra aircraft with flights from Manaus, but with a more extensive ground program involving tethered balloon measurements at three ground sites (Embrapa, Carapana, and Ducke), and rawinsonde launches from sites surrounding the Amazon basin. The ABLE 2 data consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the Electra aircraft; in situ measurements from the ground stations; the Amazon basin scale rawinsonde measurements; and data files containing in situ measurements aboard the Electra aircraft merged to several common time bases.

The ABLE 3 section of this CD describes and contains data from phase A of ABLE 3 (ABLE 3A) conducted in July-August 1988, and phase B (ABLE 3B), conducted in July-August 1990. ABLE 3A involved the NASA Electra aircraft, with flights originating from Point Barrow and Bethel, Alaska, and an instrumented ground site near Bethel, Alaska. The ABLE 3B mission, conducted jointly with the Canadian Northern Wetlands Study (NOWES), also involved the NASA Electra aircraft with flights originating from North Bay, Ontario and Goose Bay, Labrador, and an instrumented ground site near Schefferville, Quebec. The ABLE 3 data consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the Electra aircraft; calculations of air parcel back trajectories associated with air masses encountered along the Electra flight paths; in situ measurements from the ground stations; and data files containing in situ measurements aboard the Electra aircraft merged to several common time bases.

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International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) D2

The CD-ROMs contain the global monthly cloud products as produced for ISCCP at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. ISCCP is sponsored by the World Climate Research Programme for the purpose of "collecting and analyzing satellite radiance measurements to infer the global distribution of cloud radiative properties and their diurnal and seasonal variations."

The data on the CD-ROMs are the ISCCP Stage D2 data at 280 km spatial resolutions. The variables are available at monthly and three-hourly monthly resolution. There are three CD-ROMs available:

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Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement (SAM) II Aerosol Data

The SAM II Aerosol Data CD-ROM package includes:

The SAM II instrument, aboard the Earth-orbiting Nimbus-7 spacecraft, was designed to measure solar irradiance attenuated by aerosol particles in the Arctic and Antarctic stratosphere. The scientific objective of the SAM II experiment was to develop a stratospheric aerosol database for the polar regions by measuring and mapping vertical profiles of the atmospheric extinction due to aerosols. This database allows for studies of aerosol changes due to seasonal and short-term meteorological variations, atmospheric chemistry, cloud microphysics, and volcanic activity and other perturbations. The results obtained are useful in a number of applications, particularly the evaluation of any potential climatic effect caused by stratospheric aerosols.

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Visualization of Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) Data

This fourteen minute video presents an overview of the ERBE project at the NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Competency. The video explains what types of data were collected from the satellite instruments and the major scientific contributions of the project to atmospheric science using 3D animation. It also includes a good explanation and visualization of how scanning and non-scanning instruments work on a satellite. Appropriate for middle school / high school / post secondary levels.

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