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THORpex Data Sets

THe Observing-system Research and predictability experiment (THORpex) is a ten-year international research program where the primary objective is to accelerate improvements in short range weather predictions and warnings over the Northern Hemisphere. The fifth in an ongoing series of ER-2 field experiments, THORpex is the primary over-water validation experiment for the GIFTS (Geosynchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer) satellite.

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Data Set Name
(Select name to order)
Readme Sample Software Temporal Coverage Spatial Coverage Source/Sensor Parameter(s)
THORPEX_ER2_MAS. Readme. C Code | Fortran Code with Fortran include file | IDL Code 01/31/2003 - 04/10/2003 Hawaii,
Pacific Ocean
Infrared Radiance,
Visible Radiance

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