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Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) Data

The Release 6.0 Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) data set contains parameters formulated for assessing and designing renewable energy systems. This latest release contains new parameters based on recommendations by the renewable energy industry and it is more accurate than previous releases. On-line plotting capabilities allow quick evaluation of potential renewable energy projects for any region of the world. The SSE data set is formulated from NASA satellite- and reanalysis-derived insolation and meteorological data for the 22-year period July 1983 through June 2005. Results are provided for 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid cells over the globe. Average daily and monthly measurements for 1195 World Radiation Data Centre ground sites are also available.

The SSE Web Site includes:
Data Set Name Parameters Temporal Coverage Spatial Coverage Relevant Links
SSE Parameter units and definitions Averaged over July 1983 - June 2005
and measurements for 1964 - 1993
Global and 1195 ground sites
  • "NASA Collaboration Benefits International
    Priorities of Energy Management"
    features SSE data and the RETScreen
    renewable energy tool. (Read the article)

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