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SAGE II Data Sets

The goals of the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II (SAGE II) are to determine the spatial distributions of stratospheric aerosols, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, water vapor and cloud occurrence by mapping vertical profiles and calculating monthly averages of each. The SAGE II sensor (a Sun Photometer) was launched into a 57-degree inclination orbit aboard the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) in October 1984. The Langley Data Center continues to receive and archive the SAGE II data that contain Aerosols, NO2, O3, and water vapor profiles.

Ordering Data Tools Relevant Links

For convenience in ordering a specific data product, click the data set name in the data table below.

Data Set Name
(Select name to order)
Readme File Sample Software Temporal Coverage Spatial Coverage Parameter(s)
SAGE2_V6.20_AEROSOL_O3_NO2_H2O_BINARY. Readme 6.20. 10/24/1984
No data available for 08-10/2000
80N to 80S
180E to 180W
Profiles of Aerosol Extinction, O3 Number Density, NO2 Number Density, Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Profiles

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