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EDG Search and Order Tips for MOPITT data Products

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This page provides a few tips for searching and ordering MOPITT data through the EOS Data Gateway (EDG). MOPITT Level 2 data are also available for direct download from the ASDC Data Pool.

MOPITT Data Coverage

The MOPITT Level 1 data products consist of the geolocated, calibrated earth scene radiances, associated instrument engineering data summaries, and inflight calibration information. Data granules are one day in duration and limited to the earth scenes observed within the midnight to midnight period. These MOPITT data products present the high, low, mean, and standard deviation of the engineering parameters monitored on the instrument. The number of occurrences that limits were exceeded, rendering the data invalid during that segment of the orbitare also recorded.

The MOPITT Level 2 data products consist of the geolocated, retrieved carbon monoxide profiles, total column amount for carbon monoxide, and browse images. Ancillary data concerning surface properties and cloud conditions at the locations of the retrieved parameters are also included. Retrieval is accompanied by an estimated error and covariance matrix, quantifying how the errors are correlated.

MOPITT began collecting data in March, 2000. In May, 2001 a cooler on the instrument failed, so the mission continued with half the channels operational. This failure reduced the vertical resolution of the data after the first year. Otherwise, MOPITT is expected to be in near-continuous operation for at least five years. MOPITT makes observations every 0.4 seconds which are compiled into daily files.

Ordering Guidelines

To ensure that your order processes successfully, we request that you be aware of the total size of your order. Please use the following guidelines:

EDG Access

Note: Please read the alert message board highlighted in yellow on the EDG Home Page. This board provides important messages from the Data Centers (i.e., system maintenance downtimes, when ordering will be unavailable).

You have successfully entered the EDG and are ready to set up a search.


Depending upon the load on the system, it may take some time for the search to complete. When results are returned, you are ready to place an order. A granule consists of a data file and its associated metadata file.


An e-mail receipt will be sent to the address specified in the order form.


A second e-mail message, with the subject "ECS Notification", will contain the details of how the order will be delivered. Each data file will be delivered with a metadata file that will be identified by the data file name with a .met appended.

NOTE: Your EDG order is available for 96 hours. Some distribution problems are still being resolved. If you have not received a notification message within 24 hours, contact Langley Data Center User Services.

A complete User's Manual is available through the EDG.

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