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ATOST Data Sets

Atlantic - THORpex Observing System Test (ATOST) is part of an international research program to accelerate improvements in the accuracy of 1 to 14 day weather forcasts. A number of additional air, ground, and water observation platforms are selected daily from forecast flow patterns. The ATOST campaign is the first to attempt real-time adaptive control over several paltforms at short notice.

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For convenience in ordering a specific data product, select the data set name in the data table below.

Data Set Name
(Select name to order)
Readme Sample Software Temporal Coverage Spatial Coverage Source/Sensor Parameter(s)
ATOST_ER2_MAS. Readme. C Code | Fortran Code with Fortran include file | IDL Code 11/06/2003
Bangor, Maine NASA ER-2/
Infrared Radiance,
Visible Radiance

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