Biosciences Directorate logo The I.M.A.G.E. Consortium

"Sharing resources to achieve a common goal - the discovery of all genes"

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I.M.A.G.E. Consortium Resources

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Library and vector information:

We array oligo dT-primed, directionally cloned plasmid cDNA libraries as part of several public EST projects, including clones from human, mouse, rat, zebrafish, Fugu, Xenopus (X. laevis and X. tropicalis), cow, and primate libraries. Corresponding vector information can be found here.

You can also use our Library Navigator to get information on selected libraries using species, tissue and/or library name. Select species of interest to begin:

Mouse clones receive MGI IDs along with I.M.A.G.E. cloneIDs. All sequences are promptly deposited in dbEST.

Rearrayed clone sets:

The I.M.A.G.E. Consortium has rearrayed selected sets of clones, many of which are being sequence-verified for highest quality. We have also collected several rearrays from other sources which are made available as well. Please contact any of our authorized distributors for information on obtaining these rearrays.

The rearrayed sets that are currently available include:

ORFeome Collaboration human full open reading frame set: In 96-well format, the OCAA (kanamycin-resistant) and OCAB (spectinomycin-resistant) rearrays consist of Gateway entry clones containing the full open reading frame (ORF) of a gene. Each clone has been sequenced to high quality on both strands to ensure that there are no errors present.
Status: ongoing

University of Iowa rat Unigene set: In 96-well format, the IRAD rearray contains ampicillin-resistant clones in the pT7T3D-PacI vector. Rearray was prepared in the Soares laboratory at the University of Iowa based on Unigene clustering. Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
Status: complete

MGC, XGC and ZGC predicted full-length: These human, mouse, rat, zebrafish, cow, Xenopus laevis and X. tropicalis clones have been computationally predicted to be full-length based on homology with known genes, and several other methods of prediction for novel genes. All of the clones in this category will be fully sequenced; however not all of them will end up being full length. In 384-well format, the IRAK rearray contains ampicillin-resistant clones, the IRAL rearray contains chloramphenicol-resistant clones, and the IRAM rearray contains kanamycin-resistant clones. Additionally in 96-well format, the IRAH rearray contains chloramphenicol-resistant genes, the IRCE rearray contains spectinomycin-resistant clones, the IRCF rearray contains ampicillin-resistant genes and the IRCG rearray contains kanamycin-resistant genes. Each plate contains clones from multiple libraries, but from one species and one vector only.
To access the full-length sequences, search Genbank (not dbEST) using the following format: "MGC:MGC_id" to return individual sequences or MGC [kywd] for all sequences. The status of the clone will be found in the definition line of the full insert sequence, either "partial CDS" or "full CDS". Clones with certain types of problems will have no full-insert sequence submitted; others will be submitted to the GSS division of Genbank (search for all problematic clones here. Please use the I.M.A.G.E. cloneID to order; it can be found in the FEATURES field of the Genbank entry.
Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
and can also be obtained using the IMAGE Query tool (select the collection of interest from the list and submit your query).
View the current list of rearrayed plates, including species, date and full-insert sequencing group.
Status: ongoing

MGC verified full-length, human: This is a subset of the IRAK/IRAL MGC predicted full-length set; these clones have been sequence-verified to match the EST already in dbEST, and have been fully sequenced to high accuracy (full-length sequences are submitted to the primate division of Genbank, NOT dbEST). This rearray is in 96-well format, with each plate containing clones from one species and vector only. Rearray names are IRAT (human, ampicillin-resistant vectors), IRAU (human, chloramphenicol-resistant vectors) and IRCM (human, kanamycin-resistant vectors). Periodic updates will be made as more full-length sequences are submitted. To access the full-length sequences, search Genbank (not dbEST) using the following format: "MGC:MGC_id" to return individual sequences or MGC [kywd] for all sequences. The I.M.A.G.E. cloneID can be found in the FEATURES field of the Genbank entry.
Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
and can also be obtained using the IMAGE Query tool (select the collection of interest from the list and submit your query).
Additional datafiles, including fasta files of all full-length sequences, can be found at the MGC website.
Status: ongoing

MGC verified full-length, mouse: This is a subset of the IRAK/IRAL MGC predicted full-length set; these clones have been sequence-verified to match the EST already in dbEST, and have been fully sequenced to high accuracy (full-length sequences are submitted to the primate division of Genbank, NOT dbEST). This rearray is in 96-well format, with each plate containing clones from one species and vector only. Rearray names are IRAV (mouse, ampicillin-resistant vectors), IRAW (mouse, chloramphenicol-resistant vectors) and IRCL (mouse, kanamycin-resistant vectors). Periodic updates will be made as more full-length sequences are submitted. To access the full-length sequences, search Genbank (not dbEST) using the following format: "MGC:MGC_id" to return individual sequences or MGC [kywd] for all sequences. The I.M.A.G.E. cloneID can be found in the FEATURES field of the Genbank entry.
Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
and can also be obtained using the IMAGE Query tool (select the collection of interest from the list and submit your query).
Additional datafiles, including fasta files of all full-length sequences, can be found at the MGC website.
Status: ongoing

MGC verified full-length, rat: This is a subset of the IRAK/IRAL MGC predicted full-length set; these clones have been sequence-verified to match the EST already in dbEST, and have been fully sequenced to high accuracy (full-length sequences are submitted to the primate division of Genbank, NOT dbEST). This rearray is in 96-well format, with each plate containing clones from one species and vector only. Rearray names are IRBP (rat, ampicillin-resistant vectors) and IRBQ (rat, chloramphenicol-resistant vectors). Periodic updates will be made as more full-length sequences are submitted. To access the full-length sequences, search Genbank (not dbEST) using the following format: "MGC:MGC_id" to return individual sequences or MGC [kywd] for all sequences. The I.M.A.G.E. cloneID can be found in the FEATURES field of the Genbank entry.
Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
and can also be obtained using the IMAGE Query tool (select the collection of interest from the list and submit your query).
Additional datafiles, including fasta files of all full-length sequences, can be found at the MGC website.
Status: ongoing

MGC verified full-length, cow: This is a subset of the IRAK/IRAL MGC predicted full-length set; these clones have been sequence-verified to match the EST already in dbEST, and have been fully sequenced to high accuracy (full-length sequences are submitted to the vertebrate division of Genbank, NOT dbEST). This rearray is in 96-well format, with each plate containing clones from one species and vector only. Rearray name is IRCJ (cow, ampicillin-resistant vectors). Periodic updates will be made as more full-length sequences are submitted. To access the full-length sequences, search Genbank (not dbEST) using the following format: "MGC:MGC_id" to return individual sequences or MGC [kywd] for all sequences. The I.M.A.G.E. cloneID can be found in the FEATURES field of the Genbank entry.
Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
and can also be obtained using the IMAGE Query tool (select the collection of interest from the list and submit your query).
Additional datafiles, including fasta files of all full-length sequences, can be found at the MGC website.
Status: ongoing

XGC verified full-length, Xenopus: This is a subset of the IRAK/IRAL XGC predicted full-length set for X. laevis and X. tropicalis; these clones have been sequence-verified to match the EST already in dbEST, and have been fully sequenced to high accuracy (full-length sequences are submitted to Genbank, NOT dbEST). This rearray is in 96-well format, with each plate containing clones from one species and vector only. Rearray names are IRBG (X. laevis, chloramphenicol-resistant vectors), IRBH (X. laevis, ampicillin-resistant vectors) and IRBN (X. tropicalis, ampicillin-resistant vectors). Periodic updates will be made as more full-length sequences are submitted. To access the full-length sequences, search Genbank (not dbEST) using the following format: "MGC:MGC_id" to return individual sequences or MGC [kywd] for all sequences. The I.M.A.G.E. cloneID can be found in the FEATURES field of the Genbank entry.
Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
and can also be obtained using the IMAGE Query tool (select the collection of interest from the list and submit your query).
Additional datafiles, including fasta files of all full-length sequences, can be found at the XGC website.
Status: ongoing

ZGC verified full-length, zebrafish: This is a subset of the IRAK/IRAL ZGC predicted full-length set for zebrafish; these clones have been sequence-verified to match the EST already in dbEST, and have been fully sequenced to high accuracy (full-length sequences are submitted to Genbank, NOT dbEST). This rearray is in 96-well format, with each plate containing clones from one species and vector only. Rearray names are IRBO (zebrafish, ampicillin-resistant vectors) and IRBV (zebrafish, chloramphenicol-resistant vectors). Periodic updates will be made as more full-length sequences are submitted. To access the full-length sequences, search Genbank (not dbEST) using the following format: "MGC:MGC_id" to return individual sequences or MGC [kywd] for all sequences. The I.M.A.G.E. cloneID can be found in the FEATURES field of the Genbank entry.
Data for each plate in this rearray can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
and can also be obtained using the IMAGE Query tool (select the collection of interest from the list and submit your query).
Additional datafiles, including fasta files of all full-length sequences, can be found at the ZGC website.
Status: ongoing

Mouse genes (lymphochip): This set of 13K unique mouse genes has been rearrayed in 96-well format (rearray name IRAP) and is currently being replicated for distribution. Sequence-verification is also planned. All clones are in ampicillin-resistant vectors, and each plate contains one vector only.
A flatfile containing all the data ( can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
Status: rearray complete, no sequence verification

Human genes (glioma-related): This set of 5500 mostly unique human genes (rearray name IRAX) has been rearrayed in 96-well format and is currently being replicated for distribution. Each plate contains one vector only except for plate 1 which contains a small number of clones from three different vectors.
A flatfile containing all the data ( can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
Status: rearray complete, no sequence verification

Human genes (lymphochip): This set of 2500 known human genes (1415 unique genes, 1100 of them represented by two independent clones) has been rearrayed in 96-well format and is currently being replicated for distribution. Each plate contains one vector only. IRAY is a non-redundant rearray of ampicillin-resistant clones, IRAZ is a non-redundant rearray of chloramphenicol-resistant clones, IRBA is a non-redundant rearray of ampicillin-resistant clones that completely overlaps the genes represented in IRAY, and IRBB is a non-redundant rearray of chloramphenicol-resistant clones that completely overlaps the genes represented in IRAZ.
A flatfile containing all the data ( can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
Status: rearray complete, no sequence verification

Mouse pancreas genes: This set of 7000 mouse genes (rearray names IRBD (amp-resistant) and IRBE (kanamycin-resistant) has been rearrayed by the K. Kaestner laboratory (University of Pennsylvania) in 96-well format. Each plate contains clones from one vector only. There are 4 partially-full plates.
A flatfile containing all the data ( can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
Status: rearray complete

Human GPCR genes: The full open reading frames of individual GPCR genes have been PCR-amplified and cloned in 96-well format. Originally the rearray names were IRBF (ampicillin-resistant, from the Guthrie cDNA Resource Center, and IRBI (ampicillin-resistant, from the GPCR Consortium), but more recently clones from Guthrie and the GPCR Consortium have been combined into single plates under the IRBI collection. The origins of each clone can still be tracked with the Guthrie clones originating from library NIH_MGC_146 and the GPCR Consortium clones originating from library NIH_MGC_145. A combined flatfile containing data, including gene names (, can be found on the anonymous ftp site at
Status: sequence verification underway

Human PCR-rescued genes: The full open reading frames of individual genes currently missing from the MGC collection have been PCR-amplified (may contain some 5' and/or 3' UTR as well) and cloned in 96-well and 384-well format. These clones can be cross-referenced using library names NIH_MGC_244 (forward orientation, ampicillin-resistant) and NIH_MGC_277 (reverse orientation, ampicillin-resistant) (rearray name IRBR, 96-well format) and NIH_MGC_282 (forward orientation, kanamycin-resistant) and NIH_MGC_283 (reverse orientation, kanamycin-resistant) (rearray name IRBW for the clones prepared at Baylor College of Medicine, library names NIH_MGC_245, NIH_MGC_264-268, NIH_MGC_271-276, NIH_MGC_286-329, NIH_MGC_333-364, NIH_MGC_373-376 (kanamycin-resistant, rearray names IRBU, 96-well format, and IRCB, 384-well format) for the clones prepared at British Columbia Genome Sequencing Centre and library names NIH_MGC_195 (ampicillin-resistant, rearray name IRBK, 96-well format) and NIH_MGC_330 (kanamycin-resistant, rearray name IRCC, 96-well format) for the clones prepared at the Gene Expression and Production Laboratory, Science Application International Corporation NCI-Frederick. Note these clones are predicted to be full-length but are not yet verified (verified clones will be rearrayed into the verified full-length clone collection).

Mouse PCR-rescued genes: The full open reading frames of individual genes currently missing from the MGC collection have been PCR-amplified (may contain some 5' and/or 3' UTR as well) and cloned in 96-well and 384-well format. These clones can be cross-referenced using library names NIH_MGC_284 (forward orientation, kanamycin-resistant) and NIH_MGC_285 (reverse orientation, kanamycin-resistant) (rearray name IRCD, 96-well format) for the clones prepared at Baylor College of Medicine. Library names NIH_MGC_377-392 (kanamycin-resistant, rearray name IRCK, 384-well format) are used for the clones prepared at British Columbia Genome Sequencing Centre. Note these clones are predicted to be full-length but are not yet verified (verified clones will be rearrayed into the verified full-length clone collection).

Additional Resources and Services:

These primers were used by Washington University's Genome Sequencing Center to sequence I.M.A.G.E. clones.

We maintain a list of clones that have been sequence-verified, with the data coming from several different groups. Washington University has resequenced and verified roughly 70,000 ESTs from mouse clones and has submitted these new entries to dbEST. We also obtain some sequence verification information from our distributors, from groups involved in the MGC full-length sequencing project, and from our own internal quality control effort. The full list of sequence-verified clones, from all of these sources, can be accessed from our ftp site at

Hybridization data consisting of some di- and tri-nucleotide repeat positive cDNAs from the Soares 1NIB library is available.

The Teacher's Lounge contains online resources for teaching genetics and human genomics.

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I.M.A.G.E. Consortium | CMLS Directorate | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | LLNL Disclaimer

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