NIH Clinical Research Studies

Protocol Number: 01-AA-0098

Active Followup, Protocols NOT Recruiting New Patients

The Effect of Fluoxetine on Measures of Domestic Violence
This study will evaluate whether fluoxetine (Prozac), used together with traditional psychotherapy, can reduce aggression in people who are physically violent towards their spouses or significant others. Treatment for domestic violence has centered on behavioral therapies, such as anger management and self-control exercises. Recent studies have shown that fluoxetine-a drug commonly used to treat depression and panic disorder-can decrease acts of aggression.

Men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 who have a history of inflicting physical aggression on a spouses or significant others in the past year (with at least one episode occurring not under the influence of alcohol) may be eligible for this study. Participants spouses or significant others will also be asked to participate. All potential participants will be screened with a medical and psychiatric evaluation and history, breath alcohol analysis, blood tests, urine drug screen and electrocardiogram.

Those enrolled will undergo the following procedures:


-Interview and questionnaires - Participants will be interviewed by a social worker about past and current mental health and use of alcohol and illicit drugs and will complete questionnaires assessing emotional state and personality, depression, anxiety, aggression and alcohol consumption. Some of the questionnaires will be repeated at monthly intervals.

-Physical performance testing - Performance and speed will be measured in three separate training sessions that involve repeatedly pressing a button on a button box console, earning points worth money.

-Dyadic interaction paradigm - Participants will interact with their spouse/significant other in a small room, first discussing a neutral topic, such as the day's events, and then a subject that has been a source of conflict.

-Fluoxetine administration - Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either 10 mg. of fluoxetine or placebo (identical capsules with no active ingredients) once a day for 3 days, then twice a day, increasing up to four capsules a day if there are no serious side effects. Blood will be drawn once a month to measure drug levels. At the end of 3 months, participants taking placebo may remain in the study and receive fluoxetine.

-Clinic visits - Participants are followed in the clinic weekly for the first month, then twice a month for the next 2 months for adjustment of number of pills, evaluation of aggressive behavior and alcohol consumption, and therapy for issues of self-esteem, anger management and communication skills. Couples therapy aimed at conflict resolution and improving communication skills will be offered.

-Genetic tests (optional) - Blood will be drawn to determine if there is a relationship between genes involved in a chemical process (serotonin reuptake) that is influenced by fluoxetine and the participant's response to the drug.

Spouse/Significant other:

Spouses/significant others will complete several questionnaires once a month (total 4 times) to rate their partners' behavior while in the study. They will also participate in the dyadic interaction paradigm described above at the beginning and end of the study.

Sponsoring Institute:
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Recruitment Detail
Type: Completed Study; data analyses ongoing
Gender: Male & Female
Referral Letter Required: No
Population Exclusion(s): None

Eligibility Criteria: This study is not currently recruiting new subjects. If you have questions about participating in a study, please contact the Patient Recruitment and Public Liaison Office, CC.
Special Instructions:
Currently Not Provided
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI)
Recruitment Keyword(s):
Domestic Violence
Physical Aggression
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
Domestic Violence
Investigational Drug(s):
Investigational Device(s):
Drug: Fluoxetine
Supporting Site:
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

This study is not currently recruiting new subjects. If you have questions about participating in a study, please contact the Patient Recruitment and Public Liaison Office, CC.

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Active Followup, Protocols NOT Recruiting New Patients

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