NIH Clinical Research Studies

Protocol Number: 06-C-0083

Active Accrual, Protocols Recruiting New Patients

Phase I and Pharmacokinetic Study of BAY 43-9006 (Sorafenib) in Patients with Kaposi's Sarcoma

-Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a disease in which cancer cells are found in the tissues under the skin or mucous membranes that line the mouth, nose, and anus. KS causes red or purple patches (lesions) on the skin or mucous membranes and spreads to other organs in the body, such as the lungs, liver, or intestinal tract.

-BAY 43-9006 inhibits the activity of several proteins or protein receptors in cells that are thought to be important to the progression of KS. Blocking these mechanisms may cause KS to get better.


-To learn about the toxicity and blood levels of BAY 43-9006 in people with KS who are and are not taking the anti-retroviral drug ritonavir.

-To look for evidence of a beneficial treatment effect of BAY 43-9006


-Adults with confirmed KS, both HIV-positive and HIV-negative.

-Patients must have either 1) at least five measurable KS lesions with no previous local therapy, or 2) other measurable non-skin disease that permits evaluation of a response to treatment.


-Patients are randomly assigned to a specific dose of BAY 43-9006. They take the drug by mouth either once or twice daily, depending on their dose group, for up to 54 weeks.

-Drug blood levels are determined after patients have been taking BAY 43-9006 for 1 to 2 weeks by blood collections immediately before the dose and at 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours after the dose.

-Patients are evaluated every 3 weeks with review of a medication diary, interview about drug side effects, physical examination, and assessment of KS lesions.

-KS lesions are photographed on entering the study and at other time points during the study.

-CD4 cell counts and HIV viral load are tested every 12 weeks.

-Biopsies are done at the start of the study, on day 15, and if it appears that all of the lesions have resolved.

-Other procedures, such as CT or MRI scans, may be done if medically indicated.

Sponsoring Institute:
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Recruitment Detail
Type: Participants currently recruited/enrolled
Gender: Male & Female
Referral Letter Required: No
Population Exclusion(s): None

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Age 18 years or greater.

2. Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) pathologically confirmed by CCR Pathology. Patients with both HIV-associated and HIV-negative KS will be eligible.

3. Either (1) at least 5 measurable cutaneous KS lesions with no previous local therapy, or (2) other measurable non-cutaneous disease that permits a response to be assessed.

4. Patients with HIV-related KS must be receiving and be willing to comply with a regimen of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) consistent with DHHS treatment guidelines that either (1) utilizes 3 or more drugs or (2) attains suppression of HIV below the limit of detection (50 copies HIV/ml using Roche Amplicor Monitor assay or similar standard test).

5. For patients with HIV-associated KS, KS lesions must either (1) be increasing during the 3 months prior to screening while the patient is receiving HAART or has unchanged suppression of HIV to below the limits of detection; or (2) must be stable for at least four months while the patient is taking highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).

6. ECOG performance status less than or equal to 2

7. Life expectancy greater than 6 months

8. The following hematologic parameters:

-Hemoglobin greater than 9 g/l

-WBC greater than 1000/mm3

-Platelets greater than 75,000/mm3

-PT and PTT less than or equal to 120% of control, unless the patient has the presence of a lupus anticoagulant

The following hepatic parameters:

-For patients not receiving protease inhibitor therapy: bilirubin less than or equal to 1.5x the upper limit of normal (ULN). For patients receiving protease inhibitor therapy and for whom the elevated bilirubin is felt to be related to this therapy total bilirubin should be less than or equal to 3.7 mg/dl with a direct fraction less than or equal to 0.2 mg/dl.

-AST/GOT less than or equal to 2.5 times the ULN

-Either serum creatinine less than or equal to 1.5 mg/dl or measured creatinine clearance greater than 60 mL/min.

-Patients must be willing to use effective birth control.


1. Patients with extensive active or symptomatic pulmonary KS

2. Patients with symptomatic visceral KS, except for that involving the oral cavity

3. KS that appears to be improving after other therapy

4. Inability to provide informed consent

5. Patients requiring systemic therapy with ketoconazole or itraconazole

6. Cytotoxic chemotherapy or other specific KS therapy (except for antiretroviral therapy) within the past 3 weeks.

7. Prior therapy with BAY 43-9006

8. Known hypersensitivity to BAY 43-9006

9. Supraphysiologic doses of corticosteroids within 3 weeks

10. Pregnancy (because of unknown potential for fetal malformation)

11. Breast feeding (because of unknown potential for adverse infant developmental considerations)

12. Past or present history of malignant tumors other than KS unless: a) in complete remission for greater than or equal to 1 year from the time a response was first documented; b) completely resected basal cell carcinoma; or c) in situ squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix or anus

13. Evidence of severe or life-threatening infection within 2 weeks of entry into the study

14. Elevated lipase greater than 2x ULN or amylase greater than 2x ULN (unless documented to be of non-pancreatic origin or associated with macroamylasemia

15. Patients with any other abnormality that would be scored as a grade 3 or greater toxicity, except:


-direct manifestation of KS

-direct manifestation of HIV infection, except for neurologic or cardiac manifestations.

-direct manifestation of HIV therapy, except for neurologic or cardiac manifestations or those addressed elsewhere in the eligibility requirements or that would be scored as grade 4.

-asymptomatic hyperuricemia

16. Any condition that, in the opinion of the principal Investigator or Study Chairperson would preclude the inclusion of a patient into this research study.

17. Patients must not have evidence of a bleeding diathesis.

18. Patients must not be on therapeutic coagulation. Prophylactic anticoagulation (i.e. low dose wafarin) of venous or arterial access devices is allowed provided that the requirements for PT and PTT are met.

19. Patients must not be taking cytochrome P450 enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin, carbamazepine, and Phenobarbital), rifampin, or St. Johns Wort.

20. Patients are excluded if they have uncontrolled hypertension (diastolic blood pressure greater than 99 mm Hg or systolic blood pressure greater than 159 mm Hg)

21. Patients are excluded if they have uncontrolled intercurrent illness including, but not limited to, symptomatic congestive heart failure, unstable angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, or psychiatric illness/social situations that would limit compliance with study requirements.

22. Patients must be able to understand and be willing to sign a written informed consent document, and express willingness and the ability to comply with the requirements of the protocol.

Special Instructions:
Currently Not Provided
AIDS Malignancy
Recruitment Keyword(s):
Kaposi Sarcoma
Kaposi's Sarcoma
Investigational Drug(s):
BAY 43-9006
Investigational Device(s):
Drug: BAY 43-9006
Supporting Site:
National Cancer Institute

NCI Referral Office
National Institute of Health Clinical Center (CC), 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, United States: NCI Clinical Trials Referral Office
Phone: 1-888-NCI-1937
Fax: Not Listed
Electronic Address:

Gao SJ, Kingsley L, Li M, Zheng W, Parravicini C, Ziegler J, Newton R, Rinaldo CR, Saah A, Phair J, Detels R, Chang Y, Moore PS. KSHV antibodies among Americans, Italians and Ugandans with and without Kaposi's sarcoma. Nat Med. 1996 Aug;2(8):925-8.

Biggar RJ, Rosenberg PS, Cote T. Kaposi's sarcoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma following the diagnosis of AIDS. Multistate AIDS/Cancer Match Study Group. Int J Cancer. 1996 Dec 11;68(6):754-8. Erratum in: Int J Cancer 1997 Mar 17;70(6):727.

Antman K, Chang Y. Kaposi's sarcoma. N Engl J Med. 2000 Apr 6;342(14):1027-38. Review. No abstract available.

Active Accrual, Protocols Recruiting New Patients

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