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Package : NCAR

A Fortran subprogram library for displaying scientific data. Capabilities
include x-y coordinate plots, contour plots, world maps, solid-colored maps, 2D
vector fields, drawing lines in 3D space, halftone (gray scale), background
grids, surface views, iso-surfaces of 3D data, text in various fonts, and dashed
lines with user-defined patterns. Many output devices are supported, including
device-independent output.
Type         : Subprogram library
Portability   : Many implementations available
Availability : Proprietary
Language     : Fortran
Reference    : NCAR Graphics User's Guide, Version 2.0. National Center for
               Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 1987.
Distributor  : Scientific Computing Division, National Center for
               Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307
On sites     : (1) ITL

Implementation data for ITL

ITL     : Unix Workstation Network, National Institute of Standards and
          Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Version : 2.00
Support : Supported
Access available only to NIST staff on internal Unix systems. They may access this
package provided the /itl tree is cross-mounted.
   Link          : ncargf77 [options] -o main main.f
   Documentation : man ncargintro

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