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Package : ITPACK

A collection of subroutine packages solving large sparse systems of linear
algebraic equations by various iterative techniques.
Type         : Subprogram package
Portability   : Portable
Availability : Public domain
Language     : Fortran
Reference    : D. Kincaid, J. Respess, D. Young, and R. Grimes, ACM TOMS 8 (1982)
               pp. 302-322.
Developer    : David Kincaid, David Young, et al., Center for Numerical
               Analysis, RLM Bldg. 13.150, University of Texas at Austin,
               Austin, Texas 78713-8510
Distributor  : netlib. (See itpack subdirectory).
On sites     : (1) NETLIB (2) ARNO

Implementation data for NETLIB

NETLIB  : Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
          Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Version : 1991
Support : Unsupported
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Contents      : echo 'send index for itpack' | mail netlib@ornl.gov
   Documentation : echo 'send info.tex from ITPACK' | mail netlib@ornl.gov

Implementation data for ARNO

ARNO    : Silicon Graphics Origin 2000, National Institute of Standards and
          Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Version : 1.0
Support : Limited support
Those logged in to arno.nist.gov or amur.nist.gov may access this package as
   Access        : See nspcg man page.

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