United States Department of Agriculture
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Kayla Higgins, Jordan, Montana Field Office: National Earth Team Individual Award Winner

Kayla Higgins, Jordan, Montana Field Office

Kayla Higgins, Jordan, Montana Field Office (NRCS photo)

Being an Earth Team Volunteer was Kayla’s first job. She began volunteering in August of 2006, the beginning of her senior year of high school.  Since then, she has proven to be an invaluable member of the Jordan Field Office team.

Kayla completes general office tasks, including managing postal supplies, making address labels, answering phones, taking messages, and greeting customers.  But what really makes Kayla invaluable is her ability to develop conservation plan maps in ArcMap, saving NRCS employees’ time and providing a quality product to NRCS customers.  “Leaning ArcMap has been my biggest challenge," said Kayla.  "I’d never seen an aerial photo or topographic map before.  Now I use them all the time and even understand the land survey system.”  Kayla is also capable of checking and entering data in ProTracts, PRS, and Customer Service Toolkit.

“I like the work and the accessibility. I’ve been able to improve my office skills and learn new ones. Working with the other employees and the producers in the office is a real treat.” 
Kayla Higgins, Earth Team Volunteer

NRCS customers have commented on Kayla's professionalism and on how nice it is to have someone who is always in the office instead of being greeted by a closed door with a note.

Kayla does all this even though she has Osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bone disease.  Kayla is two and a half feet tall and motors around in an electric chair.

“We’ve come to count on Kayla," said Jordan Field Office District Conservationist Sue FitzGerald.  "She takes care of a lot of our data entry workload as well as general office tasks—photocopying, developing mailing labels, answering the phone . . . the list goes on.”

When asked why she keeps coming back, Kayla stated, “I like the work and the accessibility.  I’ve been able to improve my office skills and learn new ones. Working with the other employees and producers in the office is a real treat.”

Kayla encourages others to volunteer through the Earth Team Program.  “It’s been a great experience for me.  Completing the work I have accomplished for the NRCS feels really good because I know I’m helping others."