United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Sunflower RC&D, Kansas: National RC&D/NRCS Earth Team Award Winner

Sunflower RC&D stages tornado relief supplies  (NRCS photo -- click to enlarge).

Sunflower RC&D stages tornado relief supplies  (NRCS photo -- click to enlarge)

Within 24 hours after an EF-5 class (National Weather Service strongest tornado rating) tornado ripped through the town of Greensburg, Kansas, the Sunflower RC&D Area, Inc. in cooperation with Kansas Conservation Partners combined their efforts and support to collect needed items and charitable donations for tornado victims.  The RC&D Council, along with Earth Team volunteers, worked with the local conservation districts and other to receive donated items and then shuttle them to the relief area for distribution.  They also worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Emergency Personnel to workout distribution logistics.  The Sunflower RC&D accounted for 143 council members and volunteers working a total of 1,336 hours.

Approximately 2,100 Bins, 2,000 Tarps, 1,500 Pairs of Gloves and 10,000 Cardboard boxes along with hand sanitizer, shop towels and package tape have been distributed to the tornado victims.

During the height of salvage supplies distribution efforts, the RC&D was working with volunteers to staff the distribution site eleven hours a day, seven days a week.

NRCS approved the Sunflower RC&D Area County offices as drop-off sites, re-established the field office in Greensburg, and organized a series of rural field clean sweep opportunities for USDA employees and Earth Team volunteers to remove debris from agricultural lands.

This project helped the council build and expand working relationships and partnerships with other RC&Ds, local Conservation Districts, and several corporations including Alco/Duckwalls Corporation who provided the largest single donation of storage bins for this project.

The 95 percent devastation was probably the largest challenge. This was the first emergency/recovery project undertaken by the RC&D.  It challenged the capacity and leadership as they worked to make decisions that helped “make things happen” for Greensburg and the surrounding area.