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In the News

I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas.
I'm frightened of the old ones.

John Cage

Archive of previous years' news

TODAY: Astronomy Picture of the Day -- NASA GSFC


August 28, 2008: Fermi's first light -- APOD
August 28, 2008: Cluster watches Earth's leaky atmosphere -- ESA
August 26, 2008: XMM-Newton's massive discovery --
August 26, 2008: NASA renames observatory for Fermi, reveals entire gamma-ray sky -- NASA
August 25, 2008: 'Magnetic cows' are visible from space -- Nature
August 25, 2008: Double first for Large Hadron Collider -- Nature
August 23, 2008: The matter of the Bullet Cluster -- APOD
August 22, 2008: Active Galaxy NGC 1275 -- APOD
August 22, 2008: Some solar flares may be caused by dark matter -- New Scientist
August 21, 2008: August moons -- APOD
August 21, 2008: Sunspot pair observed today -- Universe Today
August 19, 2008: Chemist travels world to study mysterious properties of neutrinos -- Brookhaven National Lab
August 19, 2008: Living with a star -- Science@NASA
August 18, 2008: Baily's beads near solar eclipse totality -- APOD
August 13, 2008: NGC 6888: The Crescent Nebula -- APOD
August 13, 2008: Physicists await dark matter confirmation -- Nature
August 8, 2008: The crown of the sun -- APOD
August 7, 2008: At the sun's edge -- APOD
August 6, 2008: Jupiter and Saturn full of liquid metal helium -- UC Berkeley
August 5, 2008: A total solar eclipse over China -- APOD
August 5, 2008: Eclipse darkens NW China, a week before Olympics -- Scientific American
August 4, 2008: China becomes a physics powerhouse -- Science Daily
August 2, 2008: Eclipse shirt -- APOD
August 1, 2008: Eclipse blankets Russia; thousands watch in awe -- Scientific American


July 31, 2008: A brief history of solar sails -- Science@NASA
July 31, 2008: Eclipse expert makes hot finds in sun's darkest hour -- National Geographic
July 31, 2008: Solar-cell material can soak up more sun -- New Scientist
July 30, 2008: The International Space Station transits the sun -- APOD
July 30, 2008: Voyaging to the stars on a solar breeze -- Scientific American
July 29, 2008: Partial eclipse, total fun -- Science@NASA
July 29, 2008: News: Q&A - Edward Weiler -- Nature
July 29, 2008: Timeline: The 1859 solar superstorm -- Scientific American
July 28, 2008: Bracing the satellite infrastructure for a solar superstorm -- Scientific American
July 26, 2008: Central IC 1805 -- APOD
July 25, 2008: The secrets of the northern lights --
July 25, 2008: 'Impressionist' spacecraft to view Solar System's invisible frontier -- NASA
July 25, 2008: Tracking down origin of matter and antimatter -- Science Daily
July 24, 2008: Aurora "power surges" triggered by magnetic explosions -- National Geographic
July 24, 2008: NASA satellites discover what powers northern lights -- NASA HQ
July 23, 2008: Magnetic fields stronger than expected --
July 22, 2008: Total solar eclipse on August 1: Where, how to see it -- National Geographic
July 21, 2008: APL-led team wins NSF grant to develop new observatory for Earth's space environment -- JHU APL
July 19, 2008: Early galaxies had magnetic fields as strong as today's -- New Scientist
July 19, 2008: Asteroid switched Mars' magnetic field on and off -- New Scientist
July 18, 2008: A super mix inside neutron stars -- Physical Review Focus
July 16, 2008: Where balloons have made advances -- Nature
July 16, 2008: Galaxies' mysterious magnetic fields grew up fast -- Scientific American
July 14, 2008: Particles retain weight for billions of years --
July 11, 2008: The Far 3kpc Arm -- APOD
July 11, 2008: What's wrong with the sun? (Nothing) -- Science@NASA
July 11, 2008: Japanese particle-physics leader dies -- Physics World
July 10, 2008: Science: Simple, inexpensive solar energy from light-absorbing dyes -- AAAS
July 10, 2008: Enhanced color Caloris -- APOD
July 10, 2008: R&D 100 award for new UM-NIST neutron detector -- University of Maryland
July 9, 2008: Voyager 2 finds edge of solar system more complex than predicted -- JHU APL
July 9, 2008: Study puts solar spin on asteroids, their moons and Earth impacts -- University of Maryland
July 9, 2008: Physicists discover new particle: The bottom-most "Bottomonium" -- SLAC
July 5, 2008: First underwater neutrino telescope has been constructed -- Science Daily
July 4, 2008: SN1006 supernova remnant -- APOD
July 2, 2008: STEREO creates first images of the solar system's invisible frontier -- NASA
July 2, 2008: Who knew? Solar system is 'dented', not round -- CNN
July 2, 2008: As LHC draws nigh, Nobelists outline dreams -- and nightmares -- Scientific American
July 1, 2008: Solar Shield experiment aims to keep the power on -- NASA GSFC


June 30, 2008: Earth's core, magnetic field changing fast, study says -- National Geographic
June 30, 2008: Satellites pinpoint Earth's auroral radio chatter -- Scientific American
June 26, 2008: Dark matter is denser in the solar system -- Universe Today
June 24, 2008: 'Frozen' stars could shed light on dark matter -- New Scientist
June 23, 2008: Ancient eclipse found in "The Odyssey", scientists say -- National Geographic
June 23, 2008: XMM-Newton watches lazy pulsar being jazzed up by companion -- ESA
June 21, 2008: 2012: No killer solar flare -- Universe Today
June 18, 2008: GPS inaccurate during space storms --
June 18, 2008: The mystery of Satern's double aurorae -- Sky & Telescope
June 13, 2008: At last, GLAST -- APOD
June 10, 2008: Detective astronomers unearth hidden celestial gem -- ESA
June 10, 2008: NASA plans to visit the sun -- Science@NASA
June 9, 2008: Radio waves from Earth clear out space radiation belt -- New Scientist
June 9, 2008: Magnetic sensor that brooks no interference -- Science Daily
June 9, 2008: Sun goes longer than normal without producing sunspots -- Science Daily
June 7, 2008: Can a wormhole generate its own magnetic field? -- Universe Today
June 5, 2008: sun's corona puts a twist on its pitches -- Sky & Telescope
June 5, 2008: Communications glitch delays Mars lander digging -- Physorg
June 5, 2008: Military transmitter points to flare cure -- Australian Broadcasting Company
June 4, 2008: Physicists to target neutrinos -- Nature
June 4, 2008: Iron snow behind Mercury's magnetism -- Scientific American
June 3, 2008: Super-luminous supernovae --
June 3, 2008: Protons pair up with neutrons -- Brookhaven National Laboratory
June 3, 2008: Giant "tornadoes" seen erupting from the sun -- National Geographic
June 2, 2008: What did EV Lac? -- HEAPOW
June 2, 2008: Building a baby Earth to test its magnetic field -- NPR
June 1, 2008: A twisted solar eruptive prominence -- APOD
June 1, 2008: How to harvest solar power? Beam it down from space! -- CNN


May 31, 2008: A view to the sunset -- APOD
May 29, 2008: Astronomers map the metals in millions of Milky Way stars -- Sloan Digital Sky Survey
May 29, 2008: Scientists heat matter to hotter than surface of the sun -- Telegraph
May 29, 2008: New form of artificial radioactivity -- AIP
May 29, 2008: A fog bow over Ocean Beach -- APOD
May 29, 2008: Warm coronal loops offer clue to mysteriously hot solar atmosphere -- NASA GSFC
May 29, 2008: NASA scientists' model reveals how plasma from superstorms affects near-Earth space -- NASA GSFC
May 28, 2008: Plasma twisters seen on the sun -- Nature
May 27, 2008: Hold the old lace: Arsenic and iron material is a remarkable superconductor -- NSF
May 27, 2008: Cartwheel coronal mass ejection -- Science@NASA
May 22, 2008: Sun's properties not 'fine-tuned' for life -- New Scientist
May 21, 2008: NASA's Swift satellite catches first supernova in the act of exploding -- NASA GSFC
May 21, 2008: The many versus the one -- Physical Review Focus
May 21, 2008: Looking for ET's neutrino beam -- Physics World
May 20, 2008: LHCb measures its first cosmic-ray muons -- CERN
May 20, 2008: The enigmatic sun: A crucible for new physics -- CERN
May 20, 2008: Atomic neutrality -- CERN
May 20, 2008: Hubble Space Telescope survey finds missing matter, probes intergalactic web -- University of Colorado
May 20, 2008: Willis Lamb: 1913-2008 -- Physics World
May 19, 2008: Small star gets Swift reaction with unprecedented flare -- Univesity of Maryland
May 18, 2008: On the origin of gold -- APOD
May 16, 2008: Circles in the sky -- APOD
May 15, 2008: Can one 'pin down' electrons? -- Eurekalert
May 12, 2008: Video: Lab probes universe's secrets -- National Geographic
May 9, 2008: Colliding with nature's best-kept secrets -- CNN
May 9, 2008: Designer isotopes push the frontier of science -- NSF
May 8, 2008: Iron 'snow' helps maintain Mercury's magnetic field --
May 8, 2008: Joint ESA/NASA team wins international award -- ESA
May 7, 2008: XMM-Newton discovers part of the missing matter in the universe -- Astronomy & Astrophysics
May 6, 2008: Chasing the green flash --
May 6, 2008: A super solar flare -- Science@NASA
May 5, 2008: GRBs -- HEAPOW
May 4, 2008: An Antarctic total solar eclipse -- APOD
May 1, 2008: NASA calls on APL to send a probe to the sun -- JHU/APL
May 1, 2008: The heaviest element yet? -- Nature


April 30, 2008: Stellar ticking time bomb explodes on cue -- NASA GSFC
April 30, 2008: Team of researchers explain how birds navigate -- ASU
April 30, 2008: 'Chemical compass' created -- Nature
April 30, 2008: Plasma physics: From black holes to radio reception -- Scientific American
April 30, 2008: 4D ionosphere -- Science@NASA
April 29, 2008: High-flying electrons may provide new test of quantum theory -- NIST
April 29, 2008: Is there a hidden order to the northern lights? -- New Scientist
April 28, 2008: 'Broken heart' image the last for NASA's long-lived Polar mission -- NASA GSFC
April 28, 2008: Found link? -- HEAPOW
April 27, 2008: The Galactic Center Radio Arc -- APOD
April 24, 2008: Northern lights glimmer with unexpected trait -- AGU
April 24, 2008: Secrets of massive black hole unveiled: Workings of giant galactic particle accelerators discovered -- Science Daily
April 24, 2008: Exotic quantum state of matter discovered -- Science Daily
April 23, 2008: Radio telescope reveals secrets of massive black hole -- NRAO
April 23, 2008: Black hole plasma jet reveals twisted magnetic fields -- New Scientist
April 21, 2008: The range of annihilation -- HEAPOW
April 21, 2008: Quarter electrons may enable exotic quantum computer -- Scientific American
April 18, 2008: Solar flares set the sun quaking -- ESA
April 18, 2008: Design begins on twin probes that will study the radiation belts -- JHU/APL
April 17, 2008: The moon and the magnetotail -- Science@NASA
April 16, 2008: Reflections offer new way to bend particles -- CERN
April 16, 2008: Particle physics proves that arsenic didn't kill Napoleon -- CERN
April 16, 2008: Finding the Higgs Boson -- AIP
April 16, 2008: Electric solar wind sail could power future space travel in solar system -- Science Daily
April 15, 2008: Sky delights over Sweden -- APOD
April 15, 2008: Space radiation may cause prolonged cellular damage to astronauts -- Eurekalert
April 14, 2008: A new nova in Cygnus --
April 14, 2008: Mission to Mars -- GSI
April 13, 2008: Curious cometary knots in the Helix Nebula -- APOD
April 12, 2008: Yuri's planet -- APOD
April 10, 2008: Optical clocks get better -- AIP
April 10, 2008: Moondust in the wind -- Science@NASA
April 9, 2008: Higgs boson: A ghost in the machine -- Time
April 9, 2008: Newly discovered fundamental state of matter, a superinsulator, has been created -- Science Daily
April 8, 2008: 'God particle' expected to be found soon -- Time
April 8, 2008: 14-year-old CEO makes chemistry a game with 'Elementeo' -- Eurekalert
April 8, 2008: New probe measures magnetic fields inside solids -- Physics World
April 7, 2008: Hot, bright, massive stars have complex mixing processes in their great depths -- Science Daily
April 7, 2008: Periodic Table: Nuclear scientists eye future landfall on a second 'Island of Stability' -- Science Daily
April 5, 2008: Magnetic substorms from ground and space -- Science Daily
April 4, 2008: Medical x-ray technique unveils the sun's corona -- Science Daily
April 3, 2008: South of Orion -- APOD
April 3, 2008: 'No sun link' to climate change -- BBC News
April 3, 2008: Matter-antimatter split hints at physics breakdown -- Scientific American
April 2, 2008: Hinode: Source of the slow solar wind and superhot flares -- ESA
April 2, 2008: Bon MOT: Innovative atom trap catches highly magnetic atoms -- Eurekalert
April 2, 2008: 'Focused' solar explosions get hotter -- NASA GSFC
April 1, 2008: Compressed stars: Physicists compress unstable nucleus of nickel 56 for first time -- Science Daily


March 31, 2008: Old solar cycle returns -- ESA
March 31, 2008: Cycle 23 redux -- HEAPOW
March 30, 2008: Weak lensing distorts the universe -- APOD
March 28, 2008: Why matter matters in the universe -- University of Melbourne
March 27, 2008: The N44 complex -- APOD
March 25, 2008: Atom cloaking -- AIP
March 24, 2008: Physicists show electrons can travel more than 100 times faster in graphene -- University of Maryland
March 22, 2008: Cat's Eye Hubble remix -- APOD
March 20, 2008: Sunset: Planet Earth -- APOD
March 20, 2008: NASA satellite detects naked-eye explosion halfway across universe -- NASA / Swift mission
March 20, 2008: Rare cosmic rays are from far away -- Eurekalert
March 20, 2008: Science with the solar space observatory Hinode -- Astronomy & Astrophysics
March 20, 2008: Heavyweight contender -- Physical Review Focus
March 20, 2008: Spring is aurora season -- Science@NASA
March 19, 2008: Cometary x-ray emission: Using comets as natural solar wind probes -- ACE News
March 19, 2008: Japanese particle accelerator hints at 'new physics' -- New Scientist
March 18, 2008: Fly's eye detector spies cosmic-ray cut-off -- Nature
March 18, 2008: STEREO: The sun's corona unraveled in 3D -- Sky & Telescope
March 15, 2008: Crashed probe yields sun secrets -- BBC
March 13, 2008: Vanguard I celebrates 50 years in space -- Eurekalert
March 13, 2008: The solar system's first breath -- Nature
March 13, 2008: Japanese satellite first to use magnetic memory -- Scientific American
March 10, 2008: Physicist wins by-election for US Congress -- Physics World
March 9, 2008: New discovery at Jupiter could help protect Earth-orbit satellites -- Eurekalert
March 7, 2008: WMAP reveals neutrinos, end of dark age, first second of universe -- NASA
March 6, 2008: Sun's corona is both hot and kinky -- Eurekalert
March 6, 2008: Auroras in broad daylight -- Science@NASA
March 6, 2008: Vela Supernova Remnant -- APOD
March 6, 2008: Controlling most atoms now possible -- Eurekalert
March 5, 2008: Spring is aurora season --
March 5, 2008: Scientists identify origin of hiss in upper atmosphere -- Eurekalert
March 4, 2008: GLAST spacecraft arrives in Florida to prepare for launch -- NASA KSC
March 3, 2008: NASA's SDO mission to improve predictions of violent space weather -- NASA GSFC
March 3, 2008: Particle collider's last big piece set -- National Geographic


February 28, 2008: Magnetic atoms of gold, silver and copper have been obtained -- Basque Research
February 27, 2008: US experiment takes the lead in the competitive race to find dark matter -- Caltech
February 26, 2008: Earth is doomed (in 5 billion years) -- Physics World
February 26, 2008: Sun-like star flips its magnetic field like our sun: First observation -- Science Daily
February 25, 2008: Dawn of the Large Hadron Collider -- APOD
February 25, 2008: Killer electrons surf celestial tsunamis -- NASA GSFC
February 25, 2008: -- HEAPOW
February 25, 2008: Electron gets film debut in first-ever video of its kind -- Science Daily
February 22, 2008: International solar mission to end following stellar performance -- NASA
February 20, 2008: Integral: Stellar winds colliding at our cosmic doorstep -- ESA
February 19, 2008: High energy electron holes reveal unseen rings -- ESA
February 17, 2008: Clinton, Obama S&T advisers square off at AAAS -- AAAS
February 17, 2008: M1: The Crab Nebula from Hubble -- APOD
February 16, 2008: Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson receives the 2007 AAAS Public Understanding of Science and Technology Award -- AAAS
February 15, 2008: NASA sponsors studies of next generation astronomy missions -- NASA
February 13, 2008: SOHO data used for real-time space radiation forecasting -- ESA
February 13, 2008: The American Institute of Physics Science Writing Awards have been named -- AIP
February 13, 2008: Sun-like star flips its magnetic field --
February 13, 2008: Predicting the radiation risk to ESA's astronauts -- ESA
February 13, 2008: Theorists weigh up new route to neutrino mass -- Physics World
February 8, 2008: New AAAS-National School Boards Association training materials to help bolster science education at the local level -- AAAS
February 8, 2008: NASA calls for suggestions to rename future telescope mission -- NASA GSFC
February 7, 2008: Particle accelerator: Signals sent racing ahead at light speed to keep particles colliding -- Science Daily
February 6, 2008: A sunspot in the new solar cycle -- APOD
February 5, 2008: 50 years of Physical Review Letters -- Physical Review Letters
February 1, 2008: The first explorer -- APOD
February 1, 2008: Dark fluid: Dark matter and dark energy may be two faces of the same coin -- Science Daily


January 31, 2008: New discovery on magnetic reconnection to impact future space missions -- Science Daily
January 30, 2008: Mercury's magnetosphere fends off the solar wind -- Eurekalert
January 30, 2008: NASA astrophysicist wins Arctowski Medal -- NASA GSFC
January 30, 2008: Explorer I resolution introduced to commemorate 50th anniversary of the birth of the US space program -- US House of Representatives
January 30, 2008: Galaxy distortions shed light on cosmic acceleration -- Physics World
January 29, 2008: Space weather science rues cuts -- BBC
January 29, 2008: Nowhere to hide: New ultra-powerful microscope probes atomic world -- Science Daily
January 28, 2008: A solar eclipse painting from the 1700s -- APOD
January 27, 2008: Giant particle accelerator discovered in the sky -- Science Daily
January 24, 2008: AAAS joins call for presidential debate on science and innovation issues -- AAAS
January 24, 2008: Do cosmic rays cause lightning? -- Scientific American
January 23, 2008: A new calculation explains the mechanics behind carbon dating -- AIP
January 23, 2008: Landmarks: What makes the stars shine? -- Physical Review Focus
January 22, 2008: Milky Way's antimatter linked to exotic black holes -- New Scientist
January 22, 2008: Future of top U.S. particle physics lab in jeopardy -- Scientific American
January 22, 2008: CERN: Celebrating the lowering of the final detector element for Large Hadron Collider -- Science Daily
January 21, 2008: Ring around the sun -- NASA HEAPOW
January 18, 2008: 'Invisible Sky' presents NASA images in Braille -- NPR
January 18, 2008: Abundances and energy spectra of CIR heavy ions during Solar Cycle 23 -- ACE News
January 17, 2008: The future of physics -- Scientific American
January 17, 2008: Large Hadron Collider: The discovery machine -- Scientific American
January 17, 2008: The coming revolutions in particle physics -- Scientific American
January 16, 2008: Author Caroline Wagner urges more inclusive global science cooperation -- AAAS
January 16, 2008: Upgraded neutrino detector could root out dark matter -- New Scientist
January 15, 2008: National Science Board releases Science and Engineering Indicators 2008 -- NSF
January 14, 2008: Ulysses spacecraft flies over sun's north pole -- NASA JPL
January 14, 2008: SOHO: The new solar cycle starts with a 'bang' -- ESA
January 10, 2008: Active galaxy Centaurus A -- APOD
January 10, 2008: Centaurus A exposed --
January 9, 2008: Integral discovers the galaxy's antimatter cloud is lopsided -- ESA
January 9, 2008: Vast cloud of antimatter traced to binary stars -- NASA GSFC
January 9, 2008: Japanese particle physics in good health -- Physics World
January 8, 2008: Hubble finds that "blue blobs" in space are orphaned clusters of stars -- HubbleSite
January 8, 2008: For remote control cells, just add magnets -- Scientific American
January 7, 2008: 'Maverick' sunspot heralds new solar cycle -- New Scientist
January 4, 2008: Scientific balloons achieve Antarctic flight record -- NSF
January 2, 2008: White dwarf pulses like a pulsar -- NASA GSFC
January 2, 2008: Biomedical engineering study demonstrates the healing value of magnets -- University of Virginia
January 2, 2008: Third instrument for NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory arrives at Goddard -- NASA GSFC
January 2, 2008: Large Hadron Collider at CERN expected to go live summer of 2008 -- Science Daily
January 2, 2008: Hot on the trail of cosmic rays --
January 1, 2008: Rays from an unexpected aurora -- APOD
January 1, 2008: Important days in history of universe -- CNN

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This file was last modified: August 28, 2008