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COGME and the National Advisory Council On Nurse Education and Practice Joint Meeting

Collaborative Education Models to Ensure Patient Safety

September 13-14, 2000
Holiday Inn Capitol
Columbia Ballroom
Washington, D.C.


8:00 AM   Continental Breakfast

8:30 AM  Welcome and Introduction
Presiding: Denise H. Geolot, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. Chair, NACNEP

Office of the Secretary (Invited)

Claude Earl Fox, M.D., M.P.H.,
Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration

Sam S. Shekar, M.D., M.P.H.
Associate Administrator for Health Professions

David N. Sundwall, M.D.
Chair, COGME

Susan Johnson Warner, Ed.D., R.N.
Co-Chair, NACNEP

9:00 AM  Perspectives on Patient Safety
Presiding: David N. Sundwall, M.D. Speakers: Mary K. Wakefield, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.
Director, Center for Health Policy, Research & Ethics,
College of Nursing & Health Sciences, George Mason University

Harold S. Kaplan, M.D.
Director of Clinical Pathology
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University

Brent C. James, M.D., M. Stat.
Vice President for Medical Research & Executive Director,
Institute for Health Care Delivery Research, Intermountain Health Care

10:15 AM  Break

10:45 AM   Cooperative Efforts in Education and Practice
Presiding: Susan Johnson Warner, Ed.D., R.N.

Speakers: Colleen Conway-Welch, Ph.D., C.N.M., F.A.A.N.
Dean, School of Nursing
Vanderbilt University

Linda Headrick, M.D., M.S.
Professor of Medicine
Center for Health Care, Research and Policy,
MetroHealth Medical Center

Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Medical Informatics
University of Utah School of Medicine

12:00 Noon  The Consumer Perspective
Presiding: David N. Sundwall, M.D.

Speaker: David Swankin, Esq.
President and CEO
Citizen's Advocacy Center

12:30 PM  Directions for Work Group Sessions
David N. Sundwall, M.D.

12:45 PM  Lunch

2:00 PM  Work Group Sessions: Discussion and Recommendations

(A) Collaborative Education and Training to Improve Patient Safety
Facilitator: Linda Headrick, M.D., M.S.

(B) Collaboration in Practice and Continuing Education to Increase Patient Safety
Facilitator: Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D.

(C) Preparing Faculty to Work and Teach in a Collaborative Systems Environment to Improve Patient Safety
Facilitator: Colleen Conway-Welch, Ph.D., C.N.M., F.A.A.N.

Thursday, September 14

7:30 AM  Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM  Reports and Recommendations from Work Groups
Presiding: Susan Johnson Warner, Ed.D., R.N.

8:45 AM  COGME-NACNEP Discussion and Joint Endorsement of Final Recommendations
Presiding: David N. Sundwall, M.D.

10:45 AM  Public Comment

11:00 AM  Summary and Conclusions
David N. Sundwall, M.D.
Susan Johnson Warner, Ed.D., R.N.

11:30 AM  End of COGME-NACNEP Joint Meeting

COGME Convened in Plenary Session

11:45 AM  COGME Working Lunch
Discussion of COGME's Fifteenth Report

1:15 PM  Public Comment

1:30 PM  COGME Future Projects

2:00 PM  Adjourn

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Last Updated November 7, 2000

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