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The HIV/AIDS Program: Part A

Part A of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006 provides emergency assistance to Eligible Metropolitan Areas (EMAs) and Transitional Grant Areas (TGAs) that are most severely affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
To be an eligible EMA, an area must have reported at least 2,000 AIDS cases in the most recent 5 years and have a population of at least 50,000. In order to be eligibile for a TGA, an area must have reported at least 1,000 - 1,999 new AIDS cases in the most rcent five years. When the first Part A grants were awarded in FY 1991, there were 16 EMAs. Today, 22 EMAs and 34 TGAs receive funding.
In FY 2007, $603,993 million was appropriated for Part A spending. Part A funding to EMAs/TGAs includes formula and supplemental components, as well as Minority AIDS Initiative funds targeted for services to minority populations.
  • Formula grants are based on reported living HIV/AIDS cases as of December 31 for the most recent calendar year that data is available.
  • Supplemental grants are awarded competitively based on demonstrated need and other criteria.
  • Minority AIDS Intitative funding is competitive and based on demonstrated need and the distribution of living minority HIV non-AIDs and AIDS cases.
Part A funds may be used to provide a continuum of care for persons living with HIV disease with a requirement to provide 75 percent of the award for core medical services and 25 percent for support services. Core services are limited to: outpatient and ambulatory services; AIDS pharmaceutical assistance; oral health; early intervention services; health insurance premium and cost sharing assistance for low-income individuals; home health care; medical nutrition therapy; hospice services; home and community-based health services; mental health services; substance abuse outpatient care; and medical case management, including treatment adherence services.

Support services must be linked to medical outcomes and may include: outreach; medical transportation, linguistic services; respite care for person caring for individuals with HIV/AIDS; referrals for health care and other support services; case management; and substance abuse residential services.

EMAs/TGAs range in size from one city/county to more than 26 different political entities, and some span more than one State. EMA/TGAs geographic boundaries are based on the U.S. Census. Grants are awarded to the chief elected official (CEO) of the city or county that provides health care services to the greatest number of people living with AIDS in the EMA.


Ryan White Program EMAs Ryan White TGAs

Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Boston, Massachusetts
Chicago, Illinois
Dallas, Texas
Detroit, Michigan
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Houston, Texas
Los Angeles, California
Miami, Florida
New Orleans, Louisiana
New York, New York
Newark, New Jersey
Orlando, Florida
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phoenix, Arizona
San Diego, California
San Francisco, California
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida
Washington, DC
West Palm Beach, Florida

  Austin, Texas
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Bergen-Passaic, New Jersey
Caguas, Puerto Rico
Charlotte-Gastonia, North Carolina/South Carolina
Cleveland-Lorain-Elyria, Ohio
Denver, Colorado
Dutchess Co., New York
Ft. Worth, Texas
Hartford, Connecticut
Indianapolis, Indiana
Jacksonville, Florida
Jersey City, New Jersey
Kansas City, Missouri
Las Vega, Nevada
Memphis, Tennessee
Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon,New Jersey
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota
Nashville, Tennessee
Nassau-Suffolk, New York
New Haven, Connecticut
Norfolk, Virginia
Oakland, California
Orange County, California
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Portland, Oregon
Riverside-San Bernardino, California
Sacramento, California
St. Louis, Missouri
San Antonio, Texas
San Jose, California
Santa Rosa-Petaluma, California
Seattle, Washington
Vineland-Millville-Bridgeton, New Jersey
Planning Council duties include setting priorities and allocating funds for services on the basis of the size and demographics of the HIV population and the needs of the population. Particular attention is given to those who know their HIV status but are not in care. Planning Councils are required to develop a comprehensive plan for the provision of services that includes strategies for identifying HIV-positive persons not in care and strategies for coordinating services to be funded with existing prevention and substance abuse treatment services.

Planning Council membership must reflect the local epidemic and include members who have specific expertise, such as health care planning, housing for the homeless, incarcerated populations, substance abuse and mental health treatment, or who represent other Ryan White CARE Act and Federal programs. At least 33 percent of the members must be people living with HIV who are consumers of CARE Act services. TGAs are required to use a community planning process, however Planning Councils are optional for the five new TGAs that were formed in 2007.