By Miriam Moss, DISA Corporate Communications

Family, friends, and peers gathered for a retirement ceremony to honor and bid farewell to Air Force Lt Gen Charles E. Croom Jr., who stepped down as director of DISA and commander of the JTF-GNO on July 22 after 35 years of military service.

The event, hosted by Marine Corps Gen James E. Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, took place on the ceremonial lawn at Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C.

In an awesome display of excellence and professionalism, Cartwright and Croom inspected the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard and band formation, comprised of ceremonial guardsmen from various career fields, in a tradition that was established by Charles II of England.

Special guest speaker Air Force Gen Kevin P. Chilton, commander of U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., then stepped up to the podium.

“This is a turning of a page in a chapter of his book of life,” said Chilton during his opening remarks.

Chilton spoke of Croom’s exceptional character, particularly in the area of integrity, which Chilton said guided Croom’s motivations and hence his actions.

“He’s a man whom when I think of him, the word integrity immediately comes to mind. A lot of people measure integrity by looking at a checklist of things that you have to go down to make sure you’re doing the right things. That’s never the case with Charlie Croom,” said Chilton. “He knew the right thing to do. He followed his heart and his instinct. He was and is always on the right and true course.”

Chilton cited Croom as having inspired and energized those around him over the course of his military service, as his life has been marked by leadership with a defined vision.

“Charlie’s a visionary,” said Chilton. “He can look to the future and see what needed to be done. He has a clear vision of where we need to go. Charlie you’ve got us motivated down that path and I pledge to you that we will continue down that path.”

Chilton expressed appreciation and gratitude for Croom’s contributions to both the Air Force and the nation.

“I can think of no finer way to go out after 35 years of service than knowing [with] confidence that you have made a difference in the defense of our nation,” said Chilton.

Cartwright then approached the podium as the sky became overcast. Despite the threat of rain, he praised Croom’s commitment to excellence and ensuring mission requirements were met.

“He crosses the boundaries that most people would find some way to avoid and he does it regularly,” said Cartwright, who was Croom’s boss as the former USSTRATCOM commander.

“I gave him, as the commander of STRATCOM, mission orders and I only needed to come back when it was time for my change of command.”

In short, “He gets it done,” Cartwright said.

“I will end with a quote that every conversation I ever had with Charlie Croom ended with, and that is, ‘happy Tuesday.’ And good luck to you,” said Cartwright in closing as raindrops fell.

Within a matter of minutes, the retirement ceremony was relocated to the adjacent Officers’ Club due to a heavy and sudden downpour, coupled with high winds. Those in attendance sought refuge.

While indoors, Croom joked about his rain-shortened retirement ceremony.

“You have to be careful what you ask for,” Croom said with a smile. “I asked for no heat today and that’s exactly what I got.”

Croom then gave the speech that he had intended to deliver on the ceremonial lawn. 

“Good morning and happy Tuesday. Today is clearly a day of thanks and this ceremony provides me an opportunity to reflect on those I need to pay tribute to,” said Croom. 

He thanked many for their support, encouragement, mentoring, and assistance during his military career and, in particular, during his tenure as DISA director.

Croom attributed the success of DISA over the past three years to his team of senior civilian leaders and to the dedicated military and civilian employees of DISA. He gave words of appreciation and gratitude to three specific individuals.

“I am particularly thankful for three deputies that have had the burden of carrying me through my three years. Each has been superb by every measure. [Retired] Army MG Marilyn Quagliotti, thank you!  Army BG [Jennifer] Napper from the JTF GNO, thank you!” he said.
“And a special thanks to my current deputy [Navy RADM Elizabeth Hight] who I believe deserves a round of applause.”

Hight will be acting DISA director and Napper will be acting JTF-GNO commander until a permanent replacement for Croom is nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

After thanking his wife and other family members, Croom closed with the words, “May God bless you all and may God bless America.”